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An' sar the gunnos, an' kavis, and covvas of the Rommanis were chivved and pordered kettenus 'pre the bor adree the cangry-puv, an' kek mush tooled 'em. So the rakli jalled with the plachta ta laki rye, and penned, "Dick what I kaired on those chuvvenny, chori Rommany chals that were nashered and pannied for adovo bitti covvo adoi!"

I pookered him I'd pii'd dui or trin curros levinor and was pash matto. An' he penned mandy, "My mush was matto sar tute, and I nashered him." I pookered him ajaw, "I hope not, rya, for such a bitti covvo as dovo; an' he aint cammoben to piin' levinor, he's only used to pabengro, that don't kair him matto." But kek, the choro mush had to jal avree.

And I penned, 'Any thing dush? 'Worse nor dovo. 'What is the covvo? Says yuv, 'Mandy kaums tute to jal to my pal don't spare the gry mukk her jal! So he del mi a fino grai, and I kistered eight mee so sig that I thought I'd mored her. An' I pet her dree the stanya, an' I jalled a lay in the puv and' odoi I dicked Job. "And he pens as he was mullerin.

So the rye jalled aduro pauli the tem, and latched the Rommany chals, and bitchered them to staruben. Now this was adree the puro chairus when they used to nasher mushis for any bitti covvo. And some of the Rommany chals were nashered, an' some pannied.