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'Sblood! do you think I AM EASIER TO BE PLAYED ON THAN A PIPE? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot PLAY upon me. Hamlet. Why did you laugh when I said, Man delights not me? Guild. We coted them on the way, and thither are they coming to offer you SERVICE.

"I did, cos I didn't want de police to coted me. But, say, as true as I stand heah mean sit heah I aint guilty of stealin' dem watches an' t'ings, no I aint!" And Aleck raised both hands earnestly. "Captain Putnam made a great mistake when he dun suspect me." "We know it," answered Dick quietly. "We thought you innocent all along, Aleck."

So was I once, in thy fair street, Saint James, Through walking cavaliers, and car-borne dames, Descried, pursued, turn'd o'er again, and o'er, Coursed, coted, mouth'd by an unfeeling bore. &c. &c. &c,

This horse was so fleet, and its rider so expert, that they are said to have outstripped and coted, or turned, a hare upon the Bran-Law, near the head of Moffat Water, where the descent is so precipitous, that no merely earthly horse could keep its feet, or merely mortal rider could keep the saddle.

This horse was so fleet, and its rider so expert, that they are said to have outstripped and coted, or turned, a hare upon the Bran-Law, near the head of Moffat Water, where the descent is so precipitous, that no merely earthly horse could keep its feet, or merely mortal rider could keep the saddle.