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I hear the splash in the water I see the white object floating like a sea-bird on the tide it will not sink!" "'Sblood!" exclaimed Jonathan, in a tone of ill-disguised contempt; "it won't do to indulge those fancies now. Be seated, and calm yourself." "I have often conjured up some frightful vision of the dead," murmured the knight, "but I never dreamed of an interview with the living."

The 'sblood' of the sixteenth century must not be confounded with the 'zounds' of the seventeenth. Enough of von Chronicle! The most amusing thing," continued Mr. Sievers, "is to contrast this mode of writing works of fiction with the prevalent and fashionable method of writing works of history. Contrast the 'Rienzi' of von Chronicle with the 'Haroun Al Raschid' of Madame Carolina.

He was already purple with wine. "God save me from you and your kind!" I replied. "'Sblood! what a devil's nest of fireworks!" he exclaimed, as he went off down the room, still humming, to where the rest were gathered. And they were soon between bottle and stopper, and quips a-coursing.

"I am I am!" cried the widow, snatching the babe, and pressing it to her breast with rapturous delight "God be thanked, I have found it!" "We have both good reason to be grateful," added the lady, with great emotion. "'Sblood!" cried Jonathan, who had listened to the foregoing conversation with angry wonder, "I've been nicely done here. Fool that I was to part with my lantern!

Wolverstone, the only one who held the clue to this degeneration, ventured once and once only to beard him frankly about it. "Lord, Peter! Is there never to be no end to this?" the giant had growled. "Will you spend your days moping and swilling 'cause a white-faced ninny in Port Royal'll have none o' ye? 'Sblood and 'ounds! If ye wants the wench, why the plague doesn't ye go and fetch her?"

"And I will reply to her, that they are in the convent witness Mother Bunch and Spoil-sport." "The superior will answer, that she does not know you; that she has no explanations to give you; and will close the wicket." "Then I break it open since one must come to that in the end so leave me alone, I tell you! 'sblood! leave me alone!"

"'Desperandum'! I know not Latin; it amazes me," said Lempriere, waving a lofty hand. "She the Huguenottine was a-mazed also, and from the maze was played by Obligato." "How so! how so!" cried the Seigneur, catching at his meaning. "Did Leicester waylay and siege? 'Sblood, had I known this, I'd have broached him and swallowed him even on crutches."

Thou bringest it for my lord; and wilt thou bring my lord worse than thou wilt eat thyself? Sumner. Sir. I brought it not my lord to eat. Harpool. O, do you Sir me now? All's one for that; I'll make you eat it for bringing it. Sumner. I cannot eat it. Harpool. Can you not? 'Sblood, I'll beat you till you have a stomach! Sumner. Oh, hold, hold, good Mr. Servingman; I will eat it. Harpool.

"Not till he comes, if you please," said the mercer, interfering. "Why, 'sblood, he is at the threshold," replied Michael. "What said he, boy?"

'Tis the gout 'tis the gout!" he said, awaking completely. "How many hours have we been coming from the playhouse? 'Sblood, what has happened on the way? I've slept half the night!" There had been no hitch or delay, and they had driven home at a good pace.