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They recognized the spot, and for a confirmation of the surprising statement, Roland unrolled several sheets of printed blotting-paper, and rapidly read part of a Canzonetta concerning Una Giovine who reproved her lover for his extreme addiction to wine: 'Ma se, ma se, Cotanto beve, Mi no, mi no, No ve sposero. 'This astounding vagabond preferred Nostrani to his heart's mistress.

"E quale e quei che disvuol cio che volle, E per nuovi pensier sangia proposta, Si che del cominciar tutto si tolle; Tal mi fec' io in quella oscura costa; Perche pensando consumai la impresa Che fu nel cominciar cotanto tosta."

They recognized the spot, and for a confirmation of the surprising statement, Roland unrolled several sheets of printed blotting-paper, and rapidly read part of a Canzonetta concerning Una Giovine who reproved her lover for his extreme addiction to wine: 'Ma se, ma se, Cotanto beve, Mi no, mi no, No ve sposero. 'This astounding vagabond preferred Nostrani to his heart's mistress.

The ostensible motive for this elaborate ornamentation is contained in the portraits of six poets, who are probably Homer, Virgil, Lucan, Horace, Ovid, and Dante, il sesto tra cotanto senno. But the portraits themselves, though vigorously conceived and remarkable for bold foreshortening, are the least part of the whole design.