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I wish I could git word to' im, 'cause I know he'd look after me if he knowed I was on charity. I prays de Lawd to see 'em all when I die." Gabe Emanuel, Ex-slave, Claiborne County FEC Esther de Sola Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes GABE EMANUEL Port Gibson, Mississippi Gabe Emanuel is the blackest of Negroes.

I will have our priest read that which is there if he can." Then I laughed, and said that it was no curse, but the name of some Roman who made the place, for all that was there was: CLAVD. MARTINVS. ARTIF. FEC. "Which means that a workman named Martin was proud of his work, and left his name there," I said when I had read it.

Charlie Moses, Ex-slave, Lincoln County FEC Esther de Sola Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes CHARLIE MOSES Brookhaven, Mississippi Charlie Moses, 84 year old ex-slave, lives at Brookhaven. He possesses the eloquence and the abundant vocabulary of all Negro preachers. He is now confined to his bed because of the many ailments of old age.

He was likewise in these pacificatory negotiations so active and vigilant for, Vigilantibus jura subveniunt. ex l. pupillus. ff. quae in fraud. cred. et ibid. l. non enim. et instit. in prooem. that when he had smelt, heard, and fully understood ut ff.si quando paup. fec. l.

De Lawd put a-plenty here for ever'body, but shucks! Us don' pay no min' to his teachin'. Sometimes I gits lonesome for de frien's I used to know, 'cause aint nobody lef' but me. Sam McAllum, Ex-slave, Lauderdale County FEC Marjorie Woods Austin Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes SAM McALLUM Meridian, Mississippi

I keeps it nice an' clean jus' lak I learnt how to do frum de white folks where I used to work. I aint never work for no common folks. I tries to live lak a Christian an' do jus' lak Old Mistis say. Den when I die I can go to Heaven." Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies Smith Hodges, Ex-Slave, Pike County FEC Mrs. W.F. Holmes

"I didn' spec nothin' out of freedom 'ceptin' peace an' happiness an' the right to go my way as I pleased. I prays to the Lord for us to be free, always. "That's the way God Almighty wants it." Henri Necaise, Ex-Slave, Pearl River County FEC Mrs. C.E. Wells Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes HENRI NECAISE Nicholson, Mississippi

Co'se eve'ybody laks a drap now an' den, but it 'peared ter 'fec' Ben mo'd'n it did yuther folks. He didn' hab much chance dat-a-way, but eve'y now an' den he'd git holt er sump'n' somewahr, an' sho's he did, he'd git out'n de narrer road. Mars Marrabo kep' on wa'nin' 'm 'bout it, an' fin'lly he tol' 'im ef he eber ketch 'im in dat shape ag'in he 'uz gwineter gib 'im fo'ty.

Yer ain' gwine back on yo' Dave, is yer? "But w'at Dave say didn' hab no 'fec' on Dilsey. Dem lies folks b'en tellin' her had p'isen' her min' 'g'in' Dave. "'I doan wanter talk ter no nigger, says she, 'w'at be'n whip' fer stealin', en w'at gwine roun' wid sich a lookin' thing ez dat hung roun' his neck. I's a 'spectable gal, I is. W'at yer call dat, Dave?

I's jus' a-waitin' for de call to meet all my folks in Heaven. Dey's a better place dan dis an' I's a-tryin' to treat ever'body right so's I can git to go to it. "I's listenin' hard for dat call an' I know it won't be long a-comin'." Susan Snow, Ex-slave, Lauderdale County FEC W.B. Allison Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes SUSAN SNOW Meridian, Mississippi