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The sex of the skeleton, if that only be found, may be judged from the bones of the female generally being smaller and more slender than those of the male, by the female thorax being deeper, the costal cartilages longer, the ilia more expanded, the sacrum flatter and broader, the coccyx movable and turned back, the tuberosities of the ischia wider apart, the pubes shallow, and the whole pelvis shallower and with larger outlets.

In this method, although it is a combination of the three the clavicular, the diaphragmatic and the costal the clavicle plays so small a part, that the method may be termed mixed costal and diaphragmatic. The breath having been taken in, it should be held for a brief space of time. In expiration, allow the breath to escape very slowly.

Presently he was introduced to a stout matron, whose costume centered in an enormous costal cascade of gray pearls. "Mr. Byrd," she gushed, "I dote on art. I've made a study of it, and I can say that your picture is a triumph." "Madam," he fairly scowled, "it is as easy for the rich to enter the kingdom of Art as for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle."

If it is intended to preserve a portion of tissue for future grafting, it should be embedded in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal wall until it is wanted; this has been carried out with portions of costal cartilage and of bone. #The Blood# lends itself in an ideal manner to transplantation, or, as it has long been called, transfusion.

After fractures of costal cartilage or of the cartilages of the larynx the cicatricial tissue may be ultimately replaced by bone. Tendons. When a tendon is divided, for example by subcutaneous tenotomy, the end nearer the muscle fibres is drawn away from the other, leaving a gap which is speedily filled by blood-clot.

The common causes are exposure to cold, chilling winds, draughty, damp quarters, and drinking cold water when perspiring. Injuries to the costal pleura by fractured ribs and punctured wounds may cause it to become inflamed. The early symptoms of acute pleurisy are chills, rise in body temperature, pain and abdominal breathing.

Ignoring the slight raising of the clavicle, this method may be called the mixed costal and diaphragmatic, for it consists mainly in expanding the ribs and in allowing the dome-shaped top of the diaphragm to descend toward the abdomen.

In considering the diaphragm and its part in costal or rib-breathing, care should be taken to make clear why it is that, while this muscle is a valuable aid to inspiration, its value would be impaired were it whipped into action like a conscript instead of being drafted, so to speak, as a volunteer.

It is costal that is indicated by an expansion of the whole framework of the ribs assisted by an almost automatic sinking of the diaphragm and a very slight, almost passive, rising of the clavicle, the final detail being a slight sinking in of the lower front wall of the abdomen.

CORRAL, an enclosure for cattle. COSTAL, a bag, or sack. CUARTA, a leather horse-whip; see p. 264. CUARTEL, a barrack. CUCARACHA, a cockroach. CUCHILLO, a knife. CURA, a parish-priest. DESAGUE, a draining-cut. DESAYUNO, breakfast. ESCOPETA, a musket. ESCRIBANO, a scribe or secretary. FANDANGO, a dance. FIESTA, a church-festival. FRIJOLES, beans. FUERO, a legal privilege; see pp. 19, 249.