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Use the B D current, of moderate force. Place P. P. at the coccyx or on the upper dorsal vertebra, or on both in alternation, which is better, and treat over the kidneys with N. P. five to eight minutes, once a day for three or four days. D. mellitus. Take the A D current, of mild force.

The Pope causes your shade to appear before his sacred tribunal, and according as the number of the dead whom you have raised to life is judged sufficient or not, as the touch of your tibia or coccyx has cured the itch or scrofula or not, you are admitted or excluded. It is a difficult profession to be a saint, and is not for anyone who wishes it.

Again, if treating a case of acute enteritis inflammation of the intestines we would not wish, while treating the abdomen with the positive pole, to increase the inflammation in the lower parts, by using equal cords and placing the negative pole at the sacrum or the coccyx. Neither would we wish to reduce the strength of the lower limbs by carrying the negative pole to the feet.

These four bones are the sacrum and the coccyx, which have been described, and the two hip bones. Thorax. They are united to the sacrum behind and joined to each other in front. On the outer side of each hip bone is a deep cup, or socket, called the acetabulum, resembling an ancient vinegar cup, into which fits the rounded head of the thigh bone.

It may, however, be added, that the human embryo likewise resembles certain low forms when adult in various points of structure. For instance, the heart at first exists as a simple pulsating vessel; the excreta are voided through a cloacal passage; and the os coccyx projects like a true tail, "extending considerably beyond the rudimentary legs." Prof.

Place N. P., long cord, at coccyx, and treat with P. P. over abdomen, five to ten minutes, and repeat, if necessary, in thirty to sixty minutes. If there be cramps, touch the contracted muscles with the P. P., for a few moments, without disturbing N. P. As in cholera morbus, keep the patient on his back, still as can be. Use A D current, full medium strength.

Broca and others claim that the sacrum and the coccyx represent the normal tail of man, but examples are not infrequent in which there has been a fleshy or bony tail appended to the coccygeal region. Traditions of tailed men are old and widespread, and tailed races were supposed to reside in almost every country.

The eighth pair, called cervical, pass out in the region of the neck; twelve, called dorsal, in the region of the ribs; five are lumbar, and five sacral, while the last pair leave the cord near the coccyx. Each spinal nerve has two roots, one from the anterior, the other from the posterior portion of the cord.

A similar network of fibers is situated lower down in the pelvis, from which branches are distributed to the pelvic organs. At the coccyx the two chains unite into a single ganglion.

The tips of our ears and our rudimentary ear muscles, the hair on hand and arm, and the little plica semilunaris, or rudimentary third eyelid in the inner angle of our eyes, the vermiform appendage of the intestine, the coracoid process on our shoulder-blades, the atlas vertebra of our necks to say nothing of the coccyx at the other end of the backbone many malformations, and a host of minor characteristics all refute our denial.