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Here, Jan, Jan, I say," bawled out our friend Frank, to what he was pleased to style a straw-yard savage in the disguise of a gentleman's servant on horseback, who, whilst engaged in the pleasant employment of munching an apple, had allowed the ladies he was attending to canter off some distance a-head, and was then in the act of passing, at a very moderate pace, close by our two heroes, but pulled up his nag at the summons, and, touching his hat, replied, in the singing accent of the western Cornishmen " Your sarvant, gen'lmen both; what 'ud ye plaze to have, sir? though my name b'aint Jan, plaze yer honours."

These good fellows of the west have, I think, some reason to complain that it is unfair that they should suffer for righteousness' sake. Looking at the point in dispute impartially, it does seem hard that the men of the locality should see Easterlings bringing in good catches of fish as the result of what the Cornishmen regard as a desecration of "the Lord's Day."

The garden had not prospered under his care it had been wild, undisciplined, tangled; but he had been a teller of wonderful tales, a seer of visions it was to him that Harry had owed all the intimate knowledge of Cornish lore and mystery that he possessed. The gardeners that were there now were probably not Cornishmen at all strangers, Londoners perhaps.

Ives was also concerned in the Western Rebellion of 1549, when the Cornishmen rose on behalf of their ancient religion. There was a question of language also, as well as of faith, as we may see from the articles of complaint:

Old Tom Hamon, and a few others who had a financial interest in the mines, assisted him all they could, in hopes of thereby assisting themselves, but they were few. As for the Cornishmen and Welshmen, the success or failure of the Sark Mines mattered little to them. There was always mining going on somewhere and competent men were always in demand.

For verbal convenience in prayer and praise the hotel was known as 'The Sink of Iniquity, and the chapel as 'This Little Corner of the Vineyard, and through the front windows of the latter, one sabbath morn after another for many years, lusty Cornishmen, moved by the spirit, had hurled down upon McMahon and his house strident and terrible denunciations.

They entered at one end between the pigsties, passed on through the cow-stalls, then through the stables, and saw before them, dim through the reek of thick peat-smoke, a long oaken table, at which sat huge dark-haired Cornishmen, with here and there among them the yellow head of a Norseman, who were Alef's following or fighting men. Boiled meat was there in plenty, barley cakes, and ale.

His temper however shrank from any real encounter; and though he succeeded in raising a body of Cornishmen and marched on Taunton, at the approach of the royal forces he fled from his army, took sanctuary at Beaulieu, and surrendered on promise of life. But the close of this danger made no break in Henry's policy of winning Scotland to a new attitude towards his realm.

The first wars that he tooke in hand, after he had atteined to the kingdome, was against the Cornishmen, a remnant of the old Britains, whome he shortlie ouercame and subdued. Hen. The battell was fought in the yeare of our Lord 826.

"What's the show for a job?" At once the German foreman became preoccupied, looking aimlessly out of the window. There was a silence. "You hev been miner alretty?" "Yes, yes." "Know how to hendle pick'n shov'le?" "Yes, I know." The other seemed unsatisfied. "Are you a 'cousin Jack'?" The dentist grinned. This prejudice against Cornishmen he remembered too. "No. American."