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"That's so," chimed in Pulaski Briggs, the fourth partner, "and I tell you what, Jacksey, we'll come over with you the day you take possession, and just 'prospect' the whole blamed shanty, pigsties, and potato patch, for fun and won't charge you anything." For a moment Jackson's face had really brightened under the infection of enthusiasm, but it presently settled into perplexity again. "No!

Owing to house shortage in Sheffield, two wooden pigsties are being inhabited, one by a man and his wife and two children, and the other by a man and his wife. Both men are discharged soldiers.

He had a wretched little room close to the pigsties; here he had to stay, but the whole day he sat working, and when evening was come he had made a pretty little pot. All round it were little bells, and when the pot boiled they jingled most beautifully and played the old tune 'Where is Augustus dear? Alas! he's not here, here, here!

The closing of collieries, mines, workshops, iron furnaces, &c., had thrown hundreds on the mercy of chance charity, and compelled them to wander to and fro. How men like these on tramp must have envied the comfortable cottages, the well-stocked gardens, the pigsties, the beehives, and the roses of the labourers!

Owing to these fresh boots we were spared the pigsties. On our return to the house Countess B said, "You know, we don't dress for dinner."

Lord Wilchester talked of motoring down the other day, bringing friends if you please to see the mine, I warned him off the damn' fool! Simply asking for trouble, as I told him. 'Well, what's the matter? he said. 'What do they want? 'They'd like houses instead of pigsties for one thing, I said. And he laughed at that. 'Oh, let 'em go to the devil! he said.

'Come and look at the pigsties, Francis said to Rose, but, assuring him she had grown too old for pigs, she followed the rest. The walled garden had a beautiful disorder.

Leathern bands stretched from one roof to the other, and in the midst of dung an iron pump performed its operations. The manager drew their attention to little openings in the sheepfolds nearly on a level with the floor, and ingenious doors in the pigsties which could shut of their own accord. The barn was vaulted like a cathedral, with brick arches resting on stone walls.

In that light all sorts of things showed a new meaning. I looked with rather changed sentiments, for example, upon the noisome pigsties for were they not a survival of a venerable thrift?

He's got a business on now of the most abominable kind. I have been hearing the whole story this week. A man who dared to county court him for some perfectly just claim. And Melrose in revenge has simply ruined him. Then there's a right of way dispute going on scandalous! nothing to do with me! but I'm helping other people to fight him. And his cottages! you never saw such pigsties!