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'Why conno yo say reet out 'at it's a pleeace not fit for ony decent dog to put his head in, an' an ill-mannert daggle-tail of a woman to keep it, as I'd like to sweep out wi th' bits of a morning, an' leave her on th' muck-heap wheer she belongs? David laughed.

David met them at the station; but Reuben persisted in going to an old-fashioned eating-house in the centre of the city, where he had been accustomed to stay on the occasion of his rare visits to Manchester, in spite of his nephew's repeated offers of hospitality. 'Noa, Davy, noa, he said, 'yo're a gen'leman now, and yo conno' be moidered wi' oos.

He could not get time to attend to the farm, was obliged to leave things to the hired man, and was in trouble often about his affairs. 'Bit yo see, she hasna t' reet use of her speach, he said, excusing himself humbly to this handsome city nephew. 'An' she conno gie ower snipin aw at onst. 'Twudna be human natur'. An't' gell's worritin' an' I mun tell her what t' missis says.

'I've naw time scrubbin-days to be foolin about wi things out o' hours. I've nobbut just got straight and cleaned mysel. They can sit down and warm theirsels. I conno say they feature ony of yor belongins, Reuben. And she went to put Louie on the settle by the fire. But as the tall woman in black approached her, the child hit out madly with her small fists and burst into a loud howl of crying.

An a lot o' gimcrack notions as iver wor wi their new foods, an their pills an strengthening mixtures messin wi cows as though they wor humans. Why conno they leave God Awmighty alone? He can bring a calvin cow through beawt ony o' their meddlin, I'll uphowd yo! But still not a word from the lad in front. Reuben might as well have talked to the wall beside him.

'I thank yo kindly, Davy, said Reuben cautiously, 'we're meeterly weel sarved; bit yo conno look for mich fro teawn folk. 'What are yo allus so mealy-mouthed for? said his wife indignantly.

Sandy's "six hunderd pund" which he had earned with the sweat of his brow, all handed over to that minx Louie, and wasted by her and a rascally French husband in a few months it was more than he could bear. 'Aye, aye, marryin's varra weel, he said impatiently. 'A grant tha it's a great sin coomin thegither without marryin. But Sandy's six hunderd pund! Noa, I conno abide sich wark.

With an exclamation she unlocked the door and threw it open. 'Davy! Davy! she cried, almost forgetting her patient. The boy clung to the lintel without a word. 'Coom your ways in! she said peremptorily, catching him by the sleeve. 'We conno ha no draughts on th' owd man. And she drew him into the light, and shut the door.

Whereupon Louie pinched him, and David, giving an involuntary kick as he felt the nip, went into first a fit of smothered laughter, and then seized her arm in a tight grip. 'Keep quiet, conno yo? Now they're coomin, an I bleeve they're coomin this way!

Nobbut what theer's soomat endearin i' these yoong flibberties yo conno let em want for owt bit it's the use of em worrits me above a bit." Certainly all that old Daffady could do to supply the girl's wants was done.