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It was a very great pleasure to me to see all this apparatus in manufacture and in use at one of the principal submarine signalling works in America and to hear some of the remarkable stories of its value in actual practice. I was struck by the aptness of the motto adopted by them "De profundis clamavi" in relation to the Titanic's end and the calls of our passengers from the sea when she sank.

"De ventre inferi clamavi, et exaudisti vocem meam. "Et projecisti me in profundum in corde mans, et flumem circumdedit me*." * "Out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. For thou hadst cast me into the deep in the midst of the seas, and the floods compassed me about."

'De profundis clamavi. Or, to quote in English, 'Hungry and thirsty, his soul faints in him. And so Money sends back its answer into the depths through you, Kirby! Very clear the answer, too! I think I remember reading the same words somewhere: washing your hands in Eau de Cologne, and saying, 'I am innocent of the blood of this man. See ye to it!" Kirby flushed angrily.

So saying, he struck up a thundering "De profundis clamavi", under cover of which he removed the apparatus of their banquet: while the knight, laughing heartily, and arming himself all the while, assisted his host with his voice from time to time as his mirth permitted. "What devil's matins are you after at this hour?" said a voice from without.

So Master Richard answered and closed his eyes to commune with God. And the young man went away sighing but speaking no word. Of the Dark Night of the Soul De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine: Domine exaudi vocem meam. Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice. Ps. cxxix. 1, 2.

Resting on the low accompaniment of the organ, aided by basses so hollow that they seemed to have descended into themselves, as it were underground, they sprang out, chanting the verse "De profundis ad te clamavi, Do " and then stopped in fatigue, letting the last syllables "mine" fall like a heavy tear; then these voices of children, near breaking, took up the second verse of the psalm, "Domine exaudi vocem meam," and the second half of the last word again remained in suspense, but instead of separating, and falling to the ground, there to be crushed out like a drop, it seemed to gather itself together with a supreme effort, and fling to heaven the anguished cry of the disincarnate soul, cast naked, and in tears before God.

'De profundis clamavi. Or, to quote in English, 'Hungry and thirsty, his soul faints in him. And so Money sends back its answer into the depths through you, Kirby! Very clear the answer, too! I think I remember reading the same words somewhere: washing your hands in Eau de Cologne, and saying, 'I am innocent of the blood of this man. See ye to it!" Kirby flushed angrily.

After this had been read, he began himself to recite, as well as he could, the hundred and forty-first psalm, "Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi:" "I have cried to Thee, O Lord, with my voice;" and he continued it to the last verse, "Me expectant justi, donec retribuas mihi:" "The just wait for me, until Thou reward me."

The hopeful morrow dawned at last, and the message was sent accordingly. In due time, the following reply was received: DE PROFUNDIS CLAMAVI! He could not have passed through Philadelphia without visiting the house called Beautiful, where he had been so tenderly cared for after his wound at Ball's Bluff, and where those whom he loved were lying in grave peril of life or limb.

The hopeful morrow dawned at last, and the message was sent accordingly. DE PROFUNDIS CLAMAVI! He could not have passed through Philadelphia without visiting the house called Beautiful, where he had been so tenderly cared for after his wound at Ball's Bluff, and where those whom he loved were lying in grave peril of life or limb.