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While one of the two figures shown in plate CXXIX, e, is valuable as affording additional and corroborative evidence of the character of the ancient coiffure of the women, its main interest is of a somewhat different kind.

"Ah!" said the father-in-law, "when I saw your fields I told you that you had not dammed up the outlets; by outlets I meant these drains; as water flows away through an outlet so has your wealth flowed away to money-lenders and landlords; is not this so?" And the son-in-law admitted that he was right and that his words had had a meaning. CXXIX. Ramai and Somai.

Among the numerous deities of the modern Hopi Olympus there is one called Kokopeli, often represented in wooden dolls and clay images. From the obscurity of the symbolism, these dolls are never figured in works on Tusayan images. The figure in plate CXXIX, d, bears a resemblance to Kokopeli.

However indecisive the last-mentioned picture may be in regard to the coiffure of the ancient Sikyatki women, plate CXXIX, a, affords still more conclusive evidence. This picture represents a woman of remarkable form which, from likenesses to figures at present made in sand on an altar in the Lalakonti ceremony, I have no hesitation in ascribing to the Corn-maid.

But the consequences of foreign education are alarming to me, as an American. I sin, therefore, through zeal, whenever I enter on the subject. You are sufficiently American to pardon me for it. Let me hear of your health, and be assured of the esteem with which I am, Dear Sir, your friend and servant, Th: Jefferson. LETTER CXXIX. TO MR. CARMICHAEL, October 18, 1785 Paris, October 18, 1785.

So Master Richard answered and closed his eyes to commune with God. And the young man went away sighing but speaking no word. Of the Dark Night of the Soul De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine: Domine exaudi vocem meam. Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice. Ps. cxxix. 1, 2.

The three human figures on the food basin illustrated in plate CXXIX, f, are highly instructive as showing the antiquity of a curious and revolting practice almost extinct in Tusayan. As an accompaniment of certain religious ceremonials among the Pueblo and the Navaho Indians, it was customary for certain priests to insert sticks into the esophagus.

It is instructive also to note the fact that the figure of a maid represented in plate CXXIX, a, has two of the round designs with appended parallel lines hanging to her garment, and four parallel marks drawn from her blanket.

Supposing the reptilian figure to be a totemic one, our minds naturally recall the legend of the Snake-hero and the Corn-mist-maid whom he brought from a mythic land to dwell with his people. The peculiar hairdress is likewise represented in the figures on the food basin illustrated in plate CXXIX, c, which represent a man and a woman.

The introduction of a bill is a challenge; the passing of an act is a victory; definitions which at once damn the legislator, and convict the system. Letter cxxix. The truth of my contention is proved by the fact that nowadays all our laws are emergency laws, a thing that no law should ever be.