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You must 'a done it so no lies; for that wur the on'y thing as ever skeared 'er, arstin' 'er about 'er father, pore dear....Why, man alive! what are you a-gurnin' at? an' what are you a-smackin' your forred wi' your 'and like that for, an' a-gurnin' in my face like a Chessy cat? Blow'd if I don't b'lieve you're drunk. An' who the dickens are you a-callin' a fool, Mr. Imperance?

"'I fights at a hunder and seventy, says Strokher. "'An' me, says Hardenberg, 'at a hunder an' seventy-five. We're matched. "'Is it a go? inquires Strokher. "'You bet your great-gran'mammy's tortis-shell chessy cat it's a go, says Hardenberg, prompt as a hop-frog catching flies. "We don't lose no time trying to reason with 'em, for they is sure keen on havin' the go.

"'Very good, says Hardenberg, mincing an' silly like a chessy cat lappin' cream. 'Very good, ma'am; your orders shall be obeyed. He sure said it just like that, as if he spoke out o' a story-book. An' I kicked him under the table for it.

"Well, when they were gathered there according to orders, they looked streaked enough you may depend, thinkin' they were going to get it all round, and the wenches they fell to a-cryin', wringin' their hands, and boo-hooing like mad. Lavender was there with his cowskin, grinnin' like a chessy cat, and crackin' it about, ready for business.

After that game they played several other animal games, some quiet and some noisy, and then Mr. Maynard announced that they would play "Chessy Cats." "What in the world is that?" said Gladys to King. "I never heard of it." "Nor I," he responded; "probably Father made it up. Well, we'll soon see." Mr.

Well, when they were gathered there according to orders, they looked streaked enough you may depend, thinkin they were going to get it all round, and the wenches they fell to a cryin, wringin their hands, and boo-hooing like mad. Lavender was there with his cowskin, grinnin like a chessy cat, and crackin it about, ready for business.

Maynard, and so to the winning side were given boxes of candy with a funny figure of a grinning Chessy Cat on top. Both boxes and cats were bright red, and gay little prizes they were. "But as the other side were too sad and solemn to grin broadly, we'll give them black cats," said Mr. Maynard, and all of Gladys' line received prizes exactly like the others, except that the cats were black.

"Looks like a ten-pun note, James." "Welt the bulk 'grees with the sample; I knows where to find eightscore and nine to match this here." The note was handed round: and on inspection each countenance in turn wore a malicious smile; till at last Maxley, surrounded by grinning faces, felt uneasy. "What be 'e all grinning at like a litter o' Chessy cats?

"'No, no, no, says he, shaking his head like it would come off, 'ooman no wife. Wife there, and he p'inted about directly opposite from my way. 'Ooman, he goes on, 'she no wife, she "Just here the Malay come up from the fo'castle, grinning like a chessy cat and hugging a fat jug of this here palm wine that natives make.

"What IS the matter, Patty?" asked Nan. "Why do you sit up here alone, grinning like a Chessy cat, and giggling like a school-girl? Were the Hepworths so funny that you can't get over it?" And then Patty told Nan and her father the whole story of Kit Cameron and the telephone. Nan laughed in sympathy, but Mr. Fairfield looked a little dubious.