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My father is dead. Everybody twists me around his fingers." "Then think of some plain, strong, faithful man you may know and refer every act of your character to him. Ask yourself what he would do in your predicament, then go and do the same." "I do know such a man," Levin said, in another moment; "It is Jimmy Phoebus, my poor, beautiful mother's beau." "El rayo ha caido!"

DON PEDRO. No señor, cómo había yo de decirle a usted eso en sus barbas, sino que a veces los amantes ... vea usted, ni mi sobrino Tiburcio, ni el marqués del Relámpago eran fatuos ni presuntuosos, y también se imaginaron que Matilde.... DON EDUARDO. Ya, pero ellos no oirían, como yo de sus propios labios ... vaya ... lo mismo me he quedado que si me hubiera caído un rayo.

VECINA. Buenos días, vecinita ... ¿qué tal se ha dormido?.... ¿Oyeron ustedes los truenos a eso de las cuatro?... La encajera que vive en la guardilla dice que ha caído un rayo en Santa Bárbara ... pero yo no lo creo ... porque basta que la encajera diga una cosa para que yo no la crea.... DOÑA MATILDE. Nosotros no hemos oído....

*ha caído un rayo en Santa Bárbara*: Mesonero Romanos in "El antiguo Madrid" mentions the convent of Santa Barbara at the end of the *Calle de Hortaleza*, a well-known street in Madrid, but states that the building has been removed to make way for private residences. *y lo que cae*: 'and with what he can pick up. *me parece usted pieza*: 'it strikes me you're something of a wag.

Journeying still towards the east past many cities, I arrived at length at the great and renowned city of Cambalu, or Cambaleth, which is of great antiquity, and is the capital of Cathay. Being taken by the Tartars, they built a new city at the distance of half a mile, which they named Caido, which has twelve gates, each two miles distant from the other.

Manuel got up, surer than ever that Roberto was crazy on that point; they walked by El Angel Caido, reached the Meteorological Observatory and from there left for the hills that lie opposite the Pacifico and the Dona Carlota districts. "We can talk here," murmured Roberto. "If any one comes along, let me know." "Don't worry on that score," assured Manuel.