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Seein' as that's thirty mile or worse, the chances is he'll ride mos' all night an' won't be back for a day or two." Conniston sank back upon his straw pillow. "What I have to say to him will keep," he said, quietly. The red-headed man looked at him curiously. "Brayley's the boss on this outfit, pardner. What he says goes as she lays. It's sure bad business buckin' your foreman.

"There was time, even then, to lead him down and over the line, but before we could think of that he falls to buckin' sincere and conscientious, up there among the benches, and if he didn't jar his osshus structure a heap then, it wasn't no fault of his'n.

"It's shore great of yuh to help us this way," Red told him. "But I'm afraid we haven't a chance. If Gentleman John is behind all this, we're buckin' mighty big odds." "I like a game like that," said The Kid. "Unlike pokah, it's perfectly legitimate to scratch the aces with yo' fingah nail."

I been busted myself in my own day, but don't try your hand with my hoss. He ain't just a buckin' hoss; he's a man-killer, lad. I'm tellin' you straight. And this floor ain't so soft as the sawdust makes it look," he ended with a grin. The younger man considered the animal seriously. "I'm not broke; I've simply taken a fancy to your horse. If you don't mind, I'd like to try him out.

"I was settin' on a crazy bronc', holdin' his head up so he couldn't go to buckin' outside a little old adobe down in Yuma, Arizona, then," he explained, glancing at the girl. "Did you ever drift away complete, like that, jest from some little old trick to make you dream?" The boy Collie took the empty tomato-can and went for water with which to put out the fire.

An' final, you should shorely have beheld that bronco put his nose between his laigs an' arch himse'f an' buck! Reg'lar worm-fence buckin' it is; an' when he ain't hittin' the ground, he's shore abundant in that atmosphere a lot.

You're too soft, girl. What chance you think you got buckin' up against a town that wants value received from a woman. Aw, you know what I mean, Annie. You can't pull that baby stuff all the time." "You," she cried, beating her small hands together, "oh, you you " and then sat down, crying weakly. "Them days back there! Why, I I was such a kid it's just like they hadn't been!

"I mean that while you was dancin' and philanderin' with other women, Gordon Elliot was buckin' a blizzard to save the life of the girl you both claimed to love. He was mushin' into fifty miles of frozen hell while you was fillin' up with potted grouse and champagne. Simultaneous with the lame goose and the monkey singlestep you was doin, this lad was windjammin' through white drifts.

THE log swept out into the yellow swirl, bobbing up and down in the turbulent current. "Bobs like a buckin' broncho," said Shorty. "Make you seasick, Si?" "Not yet," answered his partner. "I ain't so much afraid o' that as I am that some big alligator-gar 'll come along and take his dinner off my leg."

"'As I sits yere, a relatin' of them exploits, an' Colonel Sterett tips the canteen for another hooker, 'as I sits yere, gents, all free an' sociable with what's, bar none, the finest body of gents that ever yanks a cork or drains a bottle, I've seen the nobility of Kaintucky the Bloo Grass Vere-de-Veres ride up on a blood hoss, hitch the critter to the fence, an' throw away a fortune buckin' Jeff's merry-go-round with them wooden steeds.