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Men swarmed over her and through her, in the orderly confusion of a fiercely driven but carefully planned program of reconstruction. "I hope your dope is right, Fred!" Cleveland called, as the two scientists separated to go to their respective laboratories. "If it is, we'll make a perfect lady out of this unmanageable man-killer yet!" The Super-Ship Is Launched

"But these young engineers come from one of the Colorado, railroads, don't they!" "I wouldn't be surprised," nodded the gambler. "However, the Man-killer is no task for boys. It is a job for giants to put through, if the job ever can be finished." "Then, if it's so difficult, why doesn't the road shift the track by two or three miles?" inquired Clarence.

The vultures will peck out your eyes, and you will die of hunger and thirst. But as you have said so let it be. Tie him to the back of the man-killer, men, and chase it into the desert. If you let him escape you die in his place. But treat him with respect; he was nearly my husband."

Andy, d'you see that you don't fit around here? You're neither a man-killer nor a law-abidin' citizen. You wouldn't fit in Martindale any more, and you certainly won't fit with any gang of crooks that ever wore guns. Look at the way you split with Allister's outfit! Same thing would happen again.

I had never succeeded in trapping this unique man-killer into any admission which he did not care to make, and I had begun to understand his ability to take the witness stand and run, unscathed, the gantlet of cross-examination. Still, I could not refrain now from putting a leading question. "How did it occur to you to bring me here? Had the judge arranged in advance that I should be kidnaped?"

"He's going to try Rickety. They look like one and the same kind to me two reckless devils, that hoss and Red Jim Perris!" "Is there real danger?" asked Marianne. Corson regarded her with pity. "Rickety can be rode, they say," he answered, "but I disremember anybody that's done it. Look! He's a man-killer that hoss!"

This gentleman is all right, George; you can go." Stiff Neck George stood silent, his sunken eyes on Wiley, his sunburned lips parted in a grin, and then he turned and spat. "Eh, heh; hiding!" he chuckled and, stung by the taunt, Wiley stepped out into the open. His gun was pulled forward, his jaws set hard, and he looked the hired man-killer in the eye.

Tom and Harry accordingly mounted, riding off at a trot. Yet at some sections of the line they rode so slowly, studying the ground attentively, that it was fully half an hour before they had crossed the further edge of the Man-killer. "The engineers are signaling us, Mr. President," reported General Manager Ellsworth. "They are motioning us to go forward."

"Payson, I'll discharge you, if you interfere with me!" stormed Hazelton. "Don't be a fool, sir. You can't help Mr. Reade. Be cool, sir. Keep your head and direct us like a man of sense." "Be a man of sense, and see my chum going under the sands of the Man-killer?" flared Hazelton. He made a bound, doubling his fists threateningly.

You'll be swallowed up by the Man-killer yourself!" But Tom, intent only on saving the unfortunate laborer beyond, was wholly heedless of the fact that his own life was in as great danger. "Come back, Mr. Reade!" implored Foreman Payson. For Tom, who had made two casts with the lariat and failed, was knee-deep in shifting sand himself.