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I. 1.Bile-ducts less irritable after having been stimulated much. 2. Jaundice from paralysis of the bile-ducts cured by electric shocks. 3. From bile-stones. Experiments on bile-stones. Oil vomit. 4. Palsy of the liver, two cases. 5. Schirrosity of the liver. 6. Large livers of geese. II. Paralysis of the kidneys. III. Story of Prometheus.

This disease is attended with much pain, which at first is felt at the pit of the stomach, exactly in the centre of the body, where the bile-duct enters the duodenum; afterwards, when the size of the bile-stones increase, it is also felt on the right side, where the gall-bladder is situated.

Might not æther mixed with yolk of egg or with honey be given advantageously in bilious concretions? I have in two instances seen from 30 to 50 bile-stones come away by stool, about the size of large peas, after having given six grains of calomel in the evening, and four ounces of oil of almonds or olives on the succeeding morning.

The former pain at the pit of the stomach recurs by intervals, as the bile-stone is pushed against the neck of the duct; like the paroxysms of the stone in the urinary bladder, the other is a more dull and constant pain. Where these bile-stones are too large to pass, and the bile-ducts possess their sensibility, this becomes a very painful and hopeless disease.