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The successive contractions of each portion of the stomach, expose by turns every portion of the alimentary mass to the influence of the gastric juice, and each is gradually discharged into the alimentary canal. As the chyme is formed, it passes out of the other orifice of the stomach, and enters the first intestine or 'duodenum'.

Bed was a place of torture; but if he got up, he cried for it again, at least for a change of suffering. At the end of three months he died. His stomach, duodenum, and liver were all in the same corrupt state as his brother's, and more than that, the surface of his body was burnt away.

It seems, however, to be largely dependent on the secretion and discharge into the duodenum of an improper quantity of bile, and an irregularity in the peristaltic action of the upper part of the bowels, particularly of the duodenum, in which that action more or less is reversed, and thereby throws the biliary fluid up, through the pylorus, into the stomach.

The next of the small intestines is the 'jejunum', so called from its being generally empty. It is smaller in bulk than the duodenum, and the chyme passes rapidly through it. Next in the list is the 'ileum'; but it is difficult to say where the jejunum terminates and the ileum commences, except that the latter is usually one-fifth longer than the former.

George's Hospital, London, are masses of hair and string taken from the stomach and duodenum of a girl of ten. It is said that from the age of three the patient had been in the habit of eating these articles. There is a record in the last century of a boy of sixteen who ate all the hair he could find; after death his stomach and intestines were almost completely lined with hairy masses.

It is true that, according to a proper subdivision of labor, each took some particular member of the government for his special observation; just as the most skilful surgeons, however profoundly versed in the general structure of our frame, rest their anatomical fame on the light they throw on particular parts of it, one man taking the brain, another the duodenum, a third the spinal cord, while a fourth, perhaps, is a master of all the symptoms indicated by a pensile finger.

She, just as she existed in her awful imperfection, was his first necessary of life. Undoubtedly since the revolt of the duodenum her grip of him had sensibly tightened. Not that Mr. Prohack was really going to a club. A taxi approached in the darkness; he knew by its pace that it was empty. He told the driver to drive to Putney.

Careful questioning, and if necessary scientific examination of the stomach, may show that the patient has hyperchlorhydria, ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, dilatation of the stomach, or some growth in the stomach as a cause for the pain referred to the region of the heart. Gallstones in the gallbladder may also give such referred pains.

Transfusion of blood or saline fluid; stimulants. Symptoms. Of acute irritant poisoning, with stupor or convulsions. Excreta smell of sulphuretted hydrogen. Post-Mortem Appearances. Stomach and duodenum reddened, with deposits of sulphur. Lungs congested. Treatment. Chloride of sodium or lime in dilute solution, and ordinary treatment for irritant poisoning. Fifteen minutes.

So we cannot will more than one effect at once, though by associations previously formed we can move many fibres in combination. Thus in the instances above related, the termination of the bile duct in the duodenum, and the exterior extremity of the urethra, are more sensible than their other terminations.