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What could this signify, then, but that away up there in the sun, among other things, stuff called sodium, very well known to chemists on earth, is burning? After this many other substances were heated white-hot so as to give out light, in order to discover if the lines to be seen in their spectra were also to be found in the sun's spectrum.

I advised them to irrigate the nose with a warm solution of chloride of sodium four times a day morning, noon, evening, and on retiring; and, a few minutes after the cleansing of the parts, had the nares thoroughly sprayed with peroxide of hydrogen and c.p. glycerin, half and half. Those subject to a conjunctivitis I prescribed a two per cent. solution of boric acid as a wash.

Among them it was not difficult to recognise the characteristic light of hydrogen; and it was generally, though over-hastily, assumed that the orange ray matched the luminous emissions of sodium. But fuller opportunities were at hand.

This rests the adrenals and they may recover their full function; almost certainly their function will improve. The asthma, allergies and etc., gradually vanish. Most of us don't need to eat salt as a nutrient. There's enough sodium in one dill pickle to run a human body for a year. There's enough natural sodium in many types of vegetables to supply normal needs without using table salt.

"Wait a minute, now yes I know what I will do: I will give her sodium bromide ten grains." "`Which will hit if it's a deer and miss if it's a calf' as the hunter said?" inquired Uncle Beamish. "It will certainly not injure her," said I, "and I am quite sure it will be a positive advantage.

"It has changed again: make another note." "What is it now?" "Sodium. The yellow bands are unmistakable." A deep stillness reigned as before. "There she goes again," exclaimed the professor, much excited. "Now I can see a couple of blue lines. What can that be? I believe it's indium." Another long pause ensued. "Now they are gone," ejaculated Gazen once more.

Changes in the inverse order to those seen in the spectrum of comet Wells soon became apparent. In the earlier body, carbon bands had died out with approach to perihelion, and had been replaced by sodium emissions; in its successor, sodium emissions became weakened and disappeared with retreat from perihelion, and found their substitute in carbon bands.

This system is the invention of Mr. Papenot. Revue Industrielle. Great ingenuity is being shown in the arrangement of new forms of primary batteries. The latest is that devised by M. Jablochkoff, which acts by the effect of atmospheric moisture upon the metal sodium. A small rod of this metal is flattened into a plate, connected at one end to a copper wire.

Obviously your batteries could do the extracting; but if I'm not mistaken, the consumption of sodium needed by your electric equipment would be greater than the quantity you'd extract. It would come about, then, that in the process of producing your sodium, you'd use up more than you'd make!"

The vapour of iron is there, the vapour of sodium, magnesium, and so on. Again, we know that these same vapours, which, by their absorptive action, cut off rays of certain tints, emit light of just those tints. There would be a spectrum of multitudinous bright lines, instead of a rainbow-tinted spectrum crossed by multitudinous dark lines.