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And as they leant over the bridge he held her hand in his, and with eyes which sought each other's in the moonlight, they let the time slip by unheeded. The only sound that rose upon the still night air was the babbling of the Berwen.

I know," said Cardo; "the mill in the valley?" "No, round the next shore, and up to the top of the cliff is our house." "Traeth Berwen? That is where I live!" "Well, indeed!" "Yes, I am Caradoc Wynne, and I live at Brynderyn." "Oh! are you Cardo Wynne? I have heard plenty about you, and about your father, the 'Vicare du." "Ah! poor old dad!

Leaning their elbows on the mossy stone wall, they looked down to the depths below, where the little river Berwen babbled and whispered on its way to the sea. "There's a nice noise it is making down there," said Valmai. "But why do you say a bad word when I tell you my uncle's name?" "A bad word? In your presence? Not for the world!

"Perhaps you and I will begin to hate each other soon," said Valmai, as they reached the boulders through which the Berwen trickled. It was absolutely necessary that Cardo should help her over the slippery stones, and with her hand in his she stepped carefully over the broad stream, subsiding into quietness as it reached the sea.

"One word before you go dishonourable! not even you shall call me that twice. Some strange cloud is over you you are not the same Valmai that walked with me beside the Berwen. You cannot kill my love, but you have turned it to-night into gall and bitterness. I will never intrude my presence upon you again.

Oh! then you will never come back to Traeth Berwen!" "Indeed, indeed I will, Miss Powell you laugh at that well may I say Valmai, then?" "Yes; why not? Everyone is calling me Valmai, even Shoni our servant." "I may venture, then; and will you call me Cardo?" "Yes, indeed; Cardo Wynne.

"It is getting late," she said, "we had better go on; but I must say good-night here, because it is down by the side of the river is my way to Dinas. You will be nearer to keep on the road till you cross the valley." "No, indeed," said the young man, already preparing to help his companion over the stone stile. "I will go down by the Berwen too."

How oftentimes has Gwen called me and I have been absent, and even my uncle asked me yesterday, 'Where dost spend thy time, child; on the shore? and I said, 'Yes, uncle, and by the Berwen." "How strange it is," said Cardo, "that no one seems to come here but you and me, and how fortunate."

"Indeed I will," said Cardo eagerly; "but when will that be? I have been wondering all the evening how it is I have never seen you before." They had now reached the open beach, where the Berwen, after its chequered career, subsided quietly through the sand and pebbles into the sea.

"I said, 'I am going to see old Shôn Gweydd, or I would walk back with you; but perhaps you don't mind going alone. "'Oh, no, not at all, she said, as she began her way back by the Berwen.