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Shortly after the arms had appeared, the spiny head cap was cautiously extended a few inches forward from the main shell. Further it was extended as the head of a turtle might slowly appear from the protection of its bony case. And under it "Professor!" I screamed wildly. "My God! Look!" Both the Professor and Stanley merely stared dully at me. I babbled of what I had seen. "A man!

On the way up to the store Godfrey preserved an air of mysterious importance. I had no objection whatever to his doing this; because he could not talk and look mysterious at the same time, and I particularly dislike being talked to by Godfrey. I expect he tried to be dignified with a view to impressing me, but just before we reached the store he broke down and babbled fatuously.

It was past midnight when Cain, worn out with the conflicting passions of the day, fell into an uneasy slumber. His dreams were of Francisco's mother she appeared to him pleading for her son, and Cain 'babbled in his sleep. At this time Francisco, with Pompey, had softly crawled aft, that they might obtain, if they found the captain asleep, the pistols of Francisco, with some ammunition.

To be misunderstood in the circles in which Mr. Buffin moved meant something more than the mere risk of being treated with cold displeasure. He began to explain with feverish eagerness. "Strike me, Sid," he stammered, "it ain't like that. It's all right. Blimey, you don't fink I'm a nark?" Mr. Marks chewed a straw in silence. "I'm layin' for him, Sid," babbled Mr. Buffin. "That's true.

Talk like water gushed from him: he might have been smitten with Aaron's rod that is your gentle shepherd when an audience is vouchsafed him whose ears are not overgrown with wool. "Missis Yeager," he babbled, "I see a man the other day on the Rancho Seco down in Hidalgo County by your name Webb Yeager was his. He'd just been engaged as manager. He was a tall, light-haired man, not saying much.

She saw his silhouette against the window, heard the roar and scream of his voice as he babbled incoherently of his wonderful scheme and had to piece together as best she could his disconnected narrative. And then she remembered her work in Beale's office, the careful tabulation of American farms, the names of the sheriffs, the hotels where conveyances might be secured. So that was it!

"I should say about twenty-five," gallantly replied the Major. "We will premise that she is thirty-three," confidently began the musician, "or even thirty-five. When I was a young fool at Warsaw, eighteen years old," he babbled. "I was the local prodigy. My first essays in public were, of course, concerts, and I was soon the vogue.

The first heirs of this new invention, were full of it. The babbling infancy of this great union of art and learning, whose speech flows in its later works so clear, babbled of nothing else: its Elizabethan savageness, with its first taste of learning on its lips, with its new classic lore yet stumbling in its speech, already, knew nothing else.

The sunset was lost in the woods behind and the shadows were long and cool. The camp was gay. All memory of death and conquest was put aside, and the men were living in the moment. French and Indians were feasting, and there were song and talk and the movement of lithe bodies, gayly clad. The water babbled strange songs upon the shore, and the forest was full of quiet and mystery.

Apparently peace brooded over earth, sky, and water; but to that lonely figure under the riven beech, every object within the range of vision babbled horrible tales of the early years, and memory pointed to a corner of the lumber-shed adjoining the mill where she had often secreted herself to avoid her father's brutality, always keeping her head in the moonshine, because she dreaded the darkness inside, which childish fancy filled with ghostly groups.