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But weel I wot I had nae divine command to shed blood, and to save it was baith like a woman and a Christian. And then they said I wanted natural affection, to relieve ane that belanged to the band that murdered my twa sons." "That murdered your two sons?" "Ay, sir; though maybe ye'll gie their deaths another name.

She said: 'O sir, ane of the bairns fand it lang syne at the Stanes; and when drawing it out we took fright, and thinking it had belanged to the fairies, we threw it into the bole, and it has layen there ever since." This is for the one; the last shall be a sketch by the master hand of Scott himself:

Her mother belanged to a kind o' auld family, that, like mony ithers, cam' down the brae wi' Prince Charles, poor fallow; and they were baith rank Episcopawlians.

He was riding on a haick they ca'd Souple Sam, it belanged to the George at Dumfries; it was a blood-bay beast, very ill o' the spavin; I hae seen the beast baith before and since. 'Aweel, aweel, Jock, answered Mr. Skreigh, with a tone of mild solemnity, 'our accounts differ in no material particulars; but I had no knowledge that ye had seen the man.

"A blessing on your precious face!" she cried. "Twa joes o' mine: just twa o' my old joes, my hinny dear." "What did they suffer for?" I asked. "Ou, just for the guid cause," said she. "Aften I spaed to them the way that it would end. Twa shillin' Scots: no pickle mair; and there are twa bonny callants hingin' for't! They took it frae a wean belanged to Brouchton."

Then came some figures, and then the date, with the initials J. C. Hence it was that Mr Cupples thought he had heard the name of Annie Anderson before. "It's a gran' Bible this, gudewife," he said as Mrs Bruce entered. "Aye is't. It belanged to oor pairis-minister." Nothing more passed, for Mr Cupples was hungry.

He was riding on a haick they ca'd Souple Sam, it belanged to the George at Dumfries; it was a blood-bay beast, very ill o' the spavin; I hae seen the beast baith before and since. 'Aweel, aweel, Jock, answered Mr. Skreigh, with a tone of mild solemnity, 'our accounts differ in no material particulars; but I had no knowledge that ye had seen the man.

We were baith young, an' I was aye fairly healthy an' when we locked the door at nicht, we were satisfied that a' that belanged to us were inside, an' in safety, even though their wee stomachs maybe werena' ower fu'. But noo we canna do that, wife.

To be sure he did gie an awesome glance up at the auld castle and there was some spae-work gaed on I aye heard that; but as for his vanishing, I held the stirrup mysell when he gaed away, and he gied me a round half-crown he was riding on a haick they ca'd Souple Sam it belanged to the George at Dumfries it was a blood-bay beast, very ill o' the spavin I hae seen the beast baith before and since."

We had a grand take, I mind, and the way that the fish lay broucht us near in by the Bass, whaur we foregaithered wi' anither boat that belanged to a man Sandie Fletcher in Castleton. He's no lang deid neither, or ye could speir at himsel'. Weel, Sandie hailed. "What's yon on the Bass?" says he. "On the Bass?" says grandfaither. "Ay," says Sandie, "on the green side o't."