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And still neither said a word, each knew so well what was in the other's thoughts, so eloquently they spoke in silence, 'Mother, I am loath to let you go, and 'Oh my daughter, now that my time is near, I wish you werena quite so fond of me. But when the daughter had slipped away my mother would grip my hand and cry, 'I leave her to you; you see how she has sown, it will depend on you how she is to reap. And I made promises, but I suppose neither of us saw that she had already reaped.

Gourlay looked over at him in the far corner of the brake, with the wide-open glower that made people blink. Brodie blinked rapidly, trying to stare fiercely the while. "Maybe ye werena referring to me," said Gourlay slowly. "But if I had been in your end o' the brake ye would have been in hell or this!" He had said enough. There was silence in the brake till it reached Skeighan.

"Ye did richt tae resist him; it 'ill maybe roose the Glen tae mak a stand; he fair hauds them in bondage. "Thirty shillings for twal veesits, and him no mair than seeven mile awa, an' a'm telt there werena mair than four at nicht. "Ye 'ill hae the sympathy o' the Glen, for a' body kens yir as free wi' yir siller as yir tracts. "Wes't 'Beware o' gude warks' ye offered him?

"If God werena in you, ye wadna be what ye are to yer ignorant Dawtie, Andrew! She needs her Father in h'aven sairer nor her Andrew! But I'm sayin' things sae true 'at it's jist silly to say them! Eh, it's like h'aven itsel' to be oot o' that prison, an' walkin' aboot wi' you! God has gien me a' thing! jist a' thing, Andrew!" "God was wi' ye i' the prison, Dawtie!" "Ay!

"It's no' often that folk look on the growing of bairns as a misfortune," said Aunt Elsie, echoing her sigh. "If it werena that we want that green tartan for a kilt for wee Willie, we might manage to get Nellie a frock out of that." Effie considered deeply. "Oh, Effie," whispered Christie, when her aunt's back was turned, "never mind that heap of trash just now.

But I do hope she is not going to be ill, as she was before. It would be terrible for us all." "I hope not, indeed," said Christie; and in a moment she added, "You would need to bide at home then, Effie." Effie shook her head. "No; I should need all the more to be away if that were to happen. What should we all do for shoes, if it werena for my school-money?"

Protocol send me your papers, and I will advise him how to conduct your cause. I don't see, after all, why you should not have your lawsuits too, and your feuds in the Court of Session, as well as your forefathers had their manslaughters and fire-raisings. 'Very natural, to be sure, sir. We wad just take the auld gate as readily, if it werena for the law.

A ship was wrecked here on the Gaulton rocks, and all your family were aboard. Your mother and Tom were picked up by the Curlew, but Carver and you werena found for some days after the wreck. My father found you both in a cave, down in the cliff, and if it hadna been for him, I suppose you wouldna be here now, Thora, to say that Carver had beaten you."

'It behoved to be, she said, 'he wad get it back again; naebody wad be sae gripple as to tak his gear after they had gi'en him a pardon: and for that Inch-Grabbit, I could whiles wish mysell a witch for his sake, if I werena feared the Enemy wad tak me at my word. Waverley then gave her some money, and promised that her fidelity should be rewarded.

You are ay busy at something." "Yes, busy about something," repeated Graeme, a little scornfully. "But about things that might as well be left undone, or that another might do as well." "And I daresay some one could be found to do the work of the best and the busiest of us, if we werena able to do it. But that is no' to say but we may be working to some purpose in the world for all that.