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Alexander Milne Calder, born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1846, began life as a gardener, studied with Alexander Brodie and John Rhind and in London and Paris, came to America in 1868, and is best known as having made the sculpture for the Philadelphia City Hall including the heroic statue of William Penn, which crowns the tower.

As the picture of a man's soul being pulled for rises before my mind, I can think of no better companion picture to that of Pliable than that of poor, hard-beset Brodie of Brodie, as he lets us see the pull for his soul in the honest pages of his inward diary.

As he spoke these words Huxley turned to Sir Benjamin Brodie, who was sitting next him, and whispered: "The Lord hath delivered him into mine hands." The Bishop sat down; but Huxley, though directly attacked, did not rise until the meeting called for him. Then he "slowly and deliberately arose; a slight, tall figure, stern and pale, very quiet and very grave."

Well, I listened to the river, which resembled nothing in all the world so much as the sobbing of a child, but no one stirred for such a time that I began to feel stiff, and I was thinking that I might be acting like a fool for my pains when a head popped up over the edge of the wharf." Obviously, this sentence demanded a dramatic pause, and Brodie knew his business.

Brodie took his instructions literally, and the distance between the two cars was diminishing sensibly. It seemed, too, as though the driver of the gray car slackened pace after passing 27th Street, although Fifth Avenue was fairly clear of traffic, which, such as it was, consisted mainly of motors going uptown that is to say, in the same direction as pursued and pursuer.

Rae, driven to desperation, hurled a law book of some weight at his vanishing head. "The de'il take ye! Ye'll be my deith yet." The book went crashing against the door-frame just as Miss Brodie was about to enter. "I say," she cried, darting back. "Heaven protect me! Rob, save me!" Rob sprang to her side. She stood for a moment gazing aghast at Mr. Dunn, who gazed back at her in equal surprise.

Brodie feared her and strove to turn and twist so that she could not shoot. King saw her and shouted in a terrible voice which was not like Mark King's voice: "Don't shoot let me " She did not heed; she would shoot if ever she could be sure that she would not shoot him. But she did not dare they thrashed about so madly.

And owre they flap." But nobody understood him. "Drink and vanity'll soon make end of him," said Brodie curtly, and snubbed the philosopher. His shrinking abhorrence from the scholastic life of Edinburgh flung him with all the greater abandon into the conviviality he had learned to know at home. "You're unco late, dear," she would say wearily, but no other reproach did she utter.

And so with the others; they hated Gourlay, but his bravery was a fact of nature which they could not disregard; they knew themselves smaller, and said nothing for a while. Tam Brodie, the most brutal among them, was the first to recover.

Among the witnesses examined were Sir Benjamin Brodie and Dr. G.R. Williams. In 1846 a Bill was prepared to deal with the matter, but it was not until 1850 that an Act was passed "To make better provision for the Interment of the Dead in and near the Metropolis."