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Now hereupon my Beltane must needs catch his breath and flush to the ears of him, and therewith strive to look at his ease, like the very youth he was. "How, messire, hath Roger babbled to thee?" "Babbled?" quoth Sir Benedict, shaking his head, "nay, Roger is no babbler of secret matters, for many do ken of thy love, Beltane and I am thy friend, so is thy happiness my happiness.

"Anan, babbler!" cried Tom, reddening with passion, and starting up; "I'd have you to know, sir, that I can bite as well as babble; and that, if I am so minded, I can run upon the foot after my game without being in fault, as the saying is; and, which is more, I can shake an old fox by the collar."

Strange it is, that that babbler should suppose it unjustifiable for the people to alter or amend, or even entirely abolish, what they themselves have established. But says Vox Populi, perhaps the new plan will not have the same number to approbate it, that the constitution of this State had. Perhaps Vox Populi will be hung for high treason.

"Dead?" questioned Webster. "As a door nail," returned the babbler. "Socorro's bad man," said Webster, sententiously. "Wasn't a bit of good in him. Gamblin', shootin', outlaw. Best job Buck ever done." He found Mary Jane in the kitchen, singing over the supper dishes. "Texas Rankin is dead over at San Marcial," he said, with the importance of one communicating delectable news.

"With every drop of blood in my body," he answered, and his hand flat against the tablecloth quivered. "At this crisis admit one change and your dyke is burst, your land flooded. Every Russian is asked at this moment to believe in simple things his religion, his Czar, his country. Grant your reforms, and in a week every babbler in the country will be off his head, talking, screaming, fighting.

Leaf regarded the interpolations as intended "to glorify Nestor" without reference to Pisistratus, whom Mr. Leaf did not then recognise as the master of a sycophantic editor. The passages are really meant to display the old man's habit of glorifying himself and past times. Pisistratus could not feel flattered by passages intended to exhibit his ancestor as a conceited and inopportune old babbler.

Comatas. Best of men, I am for speaking the whole truth, and boasting never, but thou art too fond of cutting speeches. Lacon. Come, say whatever thou hast to say, and let the stranger get home to the city alive; oh, Paean, what a babbler thou art, Comatas! Comatas. The Muses love me better far than the minstrel Daphnis; but a little while ago I sacrificed two young she-goats to the Muses. Lacon.

In addition to his affection for Wilding and his contempt for Westmacott, he was filled with a fear that the latter might become dangerous if not crushed at once. Gifted with a shrewd knowledge of men, acquired during a chequered life of much sour experience, old Nick instinctively mistrusted Richard. He had known him for a fool, a weakling, a babbler, and a bibber of wine.

The day after tomorrow, at the latest, you will begin despising yourself for having knowingly deceived yourself. Result: a soap-bubble and inertia. Oh, gentlemen, do you know, perhaps I consider myself an intelligent man, only because all my life I have been able neither to begin nor to finish anything. Granted I am a babbler, a harmless vexatious babbler, like all of us.

"You will not think me rude if I ask why you should choose that book." "I am afraid I must be more confidential than is seemly if I answer your question. Promise not to think me a babbler, and I will tell you. Dante is the poet for failures. I happen to be a failure, and as my life is broken I go to him for consolation."