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And didn't I hear the convarse o' all the doctors in the place? And wasn't the word always `Be rigglar with yer mails don't ait, avic, more nor three times a day, and not too much, now. Be sparin'." "Hah! ye long-winded grampus," interrupted Dick Barnes, impatiently. "An' warn't the doctors right? Three times a day for sick folk, and six times or more for them wot's well."

"Mother says 'tis only when she's burned up altogether that she'll learn to keep out of the fire at all!" "'Twas all the fault of that disgraceful old hen," Grannie Malone said. "Sure, I'll have to be putting manners on her! She's no notion of behaviour at all, at all. Reach the sugar bowl, Larry, avic, and sit down by the table and rest your bones. I'll have the tea ready for you in a minute.

Sambo could speak a little English, having wrought for several years on the coffee plantation of a Yankee settler. He was a bit of a wag, too, much to the indignation of his grave master, the Senhor Antonio, who abhorred jesting. "Ye're too cliver, avic," said Barney, with a patronising smile; "take care ye don't use up yer intellect too fast. It hurts the constitution in the long-run."

"A what-cock?" asked Slagg, who afterwards described the noise to be like the flapping of a mainsail. "A pay-cock. Splendid aitin'. Fire, avic!" "What! fire at that?" cried Slagg, as a creature of enormous size and gorgeous plumage rose above the bushes. "Ye must be jokin'. I couldn't fire at that."

"By no means, Paddy," retorted Gurney; "I could swum off to sea and be drownded if I liked." "No ye couldn't, avic," said Briant. "Why not?" demanded Gurney. "'Cause ye haven't the pluck," replied Phil. "I'll pluck the nose off yer face," said Gurney, in affected anger. "No ye won't," cried Phil, "'cause av ye do I'll spile the soup by heavin' it all over ye."

A few seconds sufficed to enable Grim to overtake the woman, who fell on her knees the instant she felt the sailor's heavy hand on her shoulder. "Don't be afeard, we won't hurt ye," said Buzzby in a soothing tone, patting the woman on the head and raising her up. "No, avic, we's yer frinds; we'll not harm a hair o' yer beautiful head, we won't.

Well, Corney avic, you an' others know how to act if anything happens me." "I don't think," said M'Cormick, who was a lad of considerable penetration, "that you need be afeard of either him or the black list. Be me sowl, I know the same Bartle well, an' a bigger coward never put a coat on his back.

"Let it go, poor thing!" cried half-a-dozen of the men, gazing at the little prisoner with a degree of interest that cannot be thoroughly understood by those who have not passed through experiences similar to those of our Arctic voyagers. "Ay, don't hurt it, poor thing! You're squeezin' it too hard!" cried Amos Parr. "Squaazing it! no, then, I'm not. Go, avic, an' me blessin' go wid ye."

Terence P. Reardon came to the foot of the little spiral staircase leading to the turret. "Michael, me lad," he announced, "the internal-combustion ile ingin' is the marine ingin' av the future. They're as simple as two an' two is four. Listen, avic! Does she not run like a twenty-four-jewel watch? An' this man that invinted thim was a Ger-r-man more power to him!

"Taisez vous, donc," muttered his companion, half angrily. "Taisin' ye? avic, sorra wan o' me's taisin' ye. But since ye can't help me out o' me throubles, I'll try to help mysilf." In pursuance of this noble resolve, Bryan went to the store and fetched from thence another large tin kettle.