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I shall wait now until I have an escort." "Ah my name is Carson Jack Carson. I was going to Saguache to see Mr. Amos, the assayer, to have him test a jug handle, er, that is, to have the jug handle test him. I don't mean that; I mean our mine is named the Jug Handle, I will get it right after awhile, and I want him to make a test of the ore."

In the course of an hour the result came whereby it appeared that a ton of that rock would yield $1,184.40 in silver and $366.36 in gold! Due publication of the whole matter was made in the paper, and the popular assayer left town "between two days." I will remark, in passing, that I only remained in the milling business one week.

GRAY, ASA. Born at Paris, Oneida County, New York, November 18, 1810; professor of natural history at Harvard, 1842-88; died at Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 30, 1888. TORREY, JOHN. Born at New York City, August 15, 1796; professor at Princeton and in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; State Geologist of New York; United States assayer; died at New York, March 10, 1873.

But now the assayer came up, bringing with him a nice elaborate calculation on a black slate, showing exactly how much pure gold Onucz had handed in to the coining department, how much it would be worth when coined and deducting three per cent for expenses, how much he was to receive in cash by way of exchange. "And now go and let the cashier pay you what is due to you, Onucz," said Fatia Negra.

"One day after our blast I was the first to enter, and the moment that I saw the heap of rock I knew we had opened the vein. My wildest dreams were realized!" "And then your troubles ended," the girl said tenderly. "No for now a strange thing happened. The assayer tried our ore again and again and found it very rich, but when we shipped to the mills we got almost no returns.

Peggy's heart sank and Wandering William bit his lips. From the bottom of the chassis Roy demanded: "Are we too late?" "We don't know yet, Roy dear," Peggy found time to whisper, and then: "Who else was looking for the assayer?" "Feller in a big automobile. All dust-covered, too. Said he had a claim ter file." Wandering William actually groaned. But Cash went on speaking.

"The assayer used names that didn't mean anything to me, but he told me enough in plain talk, to prove that your dad wasted his time." "I'm satisfied," said the girl. "Me too," smiled Harlan. "There's somethin' better than gold." "It's peace and happiness," said Barbara, gently. "An' a girl," smiled Harlan. "And a man," declared Barbara stoutly. "Well, then," he conceded, "we won't quarrel.

Yesterday morning, after I had disposed by sample of our wool, and had called upon the assayer of ores, but without finding him, to show him the specimens of our mineral discoveries, I returned to the hotel, and there, after obtaining directions from one of the clerks at the "Bureau of Information," I took the elevated train to the great Central Park.

We had at one time an assayer in our camp, who obtained such rich results from every specimen of rock brought to him, that he soon had a virtual monopoly of the business. No matter what specimen might be brought to him, he would demonstrate that it contained so large a portion of gold or silver, that the development of the mine could not fail to be profitable.

Once or twice I thought of dumping my share of them, but it's fortunate that Hollin, who seemed to suspect my intentions, kept his eye on me when I got played out. You see, an assayer we took them to found that they were rich in lead and silver." Prescott's astonishment was obvious and Cyril frankly enjoyed it.