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"Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Fatia Negra he must have put on a coat of mail beneath his jacket and the same instant he countered so savagely that if the lieutenant had not dodged his head, he must have lost it. As it was the sword pierced through his shako and out poured the gold pieces by thousands on to the highroad. At the sight of the shower of gold pieces, Fatia Negra roared like a demon.

'But it is my business, she replied, 'for the poison that a wolf or a savage dog will eat, a bear will not even sniff at, and what makes one beast ill, on that will another beast thrive. 'Then you must know that it is a bear. 'Swear that you do not want the venom for a human being. Fatia Negra swore with all sorts of subterranean oaths that it was really for a bear that he wanted the poison.

"We shall scarcely be able to prevent it, my lady, for how can we warn the dwellers in the mountain hut of their danger? It is of no use sending a letter for they cannot read. We cannot entrust the secret to anyone, for no living soul in these parts would dare to convey any message to the disadvantage of the mysterious Fatia Negra. I myself dare not do it. I too am afraid of him.

The next moment there was a loud report and Fatia Negra fell back lifeless on the bear skin carpet. At the very moment when he had laughed aloud and cried: "Take it then!" he had suddenly put the mouth of the pistol into his own mouth and fired it off. The heavy charge blew his head to bits, Szilard felt a warm red rain showering down upon him.

Fatia Negra, perceiving the danger, and before the horse had time to fall and crush him, leaped from the saddle on to the ground. And now he attacked the enemy on foot. He was blind now. He saw nothing before him but blood and ducats he was drunk with both. All at once he observed that he was alone, and, fighting the air he no longer felt the contact of swords, or skulls or human bodies.

The old man shrugged his shoulders. "And yet he did not come. But the day before yesterday, about midnight, I found the three owl-feathers there in the window." "The wind carried them thither." "The wind did not carry them thither for they were stuck fast in putty. And only we three know what that means. Fatia Negra would speak with us and we are going to meet him in the Lucsia cavern."

When Anicza entered her room she found hanging up beneath the ikon that gleamed and shone over her bed both the damaged ducat and the little cross which she had given to Fatia Negra two hours before. He must indeed be in league with the devil else how could he have got there, invisibly, so long before them?

"What! in the midst of the forest?" "Yes, in the midst of the forest, where, for weeks at a stretch, the herdsman hears no other human voice than his own thrown back to him by the echoes. The seducer in this case is Fatia Negra." "Then he must dwell hard by." "None knows his abiding dwelling, but his temporary resting places among the high Alps are these herdsmen's lonely huts.

"Sir, but one word more," said Fatia Negra in a fainter voice and so hoarsely as to be scarcely audible, "you have wounded me, you have run me down; but your life is now in my hands and I could kill you this instant if I had a mind to. Let us bargain a bit: I won't kill you if you will not pursue me any further. You return and say you could not catch me.

"We are quite by ourselves; what is it you want, my good fellow?" "Thank you, sir, for calling me a good fellow, for I was good for something once upon a time, and will be so again. I am the famous Juon Tare whose eyes were burnt out in the Lucsia Cavern when they wanted to catch Fatia Negra, and the monster set the whole cavern on fire. I want the head of Fatia Negra.