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To Menilek he gave great encouragement, offered him the friendship of England, and even went so far as assuring him that he would be acknowledged by our Government as king, should we be indebted to him for our deliverance; he requested him to encamp at Selassie, fire his two guns against the gate, and should the garrison not give in, to encamp between Arogie and the Bechelo, and keep Theodore from reaching the Amba until the arrival of our troops.

The two Europeans and the other messenger remained some time with us to rest and refresh themselves: they told us that his Majesty had mistaken a battery of artillery for Baggage, and seeing only a few men at Arogie, he had given in to the importunities of his chiefs, and allowed them to have their own way.

Addressing the soldiers whom he was sending as an advanced post to Arogie, he told them, on the approach of the white men, to wait until they had fired, and before the enemy had time to reload, to fall upon them with their spears; and showing the gaudy dress he had put on for the occasion, he added: "Your valour will meet with its reward, and you will enrich yourselves with spoils, compared to which the rich dress I am wearing is but a mere trifle."

They then left, and accompanied by Dejatch Alame, the Emperor's son-in-law, proceeded to the British camp at Arogie, where they arrived after a two hours' ride, and were warmly cheered and greeted by all.

The next day we returned to Arogie, and during my stay there I received the kind hospitality of General Merewether. On the 16th, some of the released captives and myself started for Dalanta, where we waited a few days until all had joined; and on the 21st, after Sir Robert Napier had presented us to our deliverers, we proceeded on our way to the coast, and reached Zulla on the 28th of May.