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Weller, with the tears still running down his cheeks, 'it 'ud ha' been a wery great accommodation to me if I could ha' done it, and 'ud ha' saved a good many vords atween your mother-in-law and me, sometimes; but I'm afeerd you're right, Sammy, it's too much in the appleplexy line a deal too much, Samivel.

Comfort on the dinin'-room floor dead, we was afraid at fust. The paper was alongside of her, so we judge she was just a-goin' to read it when she was took. The doctor says it's a paralysis or appleplexy or somethin'. We carried her into the bedroom, but she ain't spoke sence." She did not speak for weeks and when she did it was to ask for me.

"Dear Sir, Yours received, and you say John is dead. Poor fellow! I always expected it. Death runs in the family. Dyed suddenly of appleplexy eat too many apples. Well, I always thought John would hurt himself eating apples. I s'pose you had him buried. You said nothing about funeral expenses. He had a trunk gold watch in it, &c.

"Mebbe it was appleplexy," suggested Elmer Spiker. "Mebbe it was," said Josiah. "It must have been somethin' like that; but whatever it was, there stood the boy. 'You is free, he says, addressin' the scholars. And the children broke from the seats and started for'a'd to worship him. And Pinky Binn was almost on her knees at his feet, when a strange thing happened. "There was music.

"All this time, you must understand, there was no sign yet what had happened to his lordship, over and above his being dead. All of us thought, if our minds made bold to think, that it must have pleased the Lord to take his lordship either with an appleplexy or a sudden heart-stroke, or, at any rate, some other gracious way not having any flow of blood in it.

'Keep quiet, do, said Sam, 'there never vos such a old picter-card born. Wot are you bustin' vith, now? 'Sammy, said Mr. Weller, wiping his forehead, 'I'm afeerd that vun o' these days I shall laugh myself into a appleplexy, my boy. 'Vell, then, wot do you do it for? said Sam. 'Now, then, wot have you got to say? 'Who do you think's come here with me, Samivel? said Mr.

"Is it a fit?" cried Jan, remembering his fears and prognostications, with regard to Mrs. Verner. "It's worse than that, sir; it's appleplexy. Leastways, sir, my master and Mrs. Tynn's afraid that it is. She looks like dead, sir, and there's froth on her mouth." Jan waited for no more. He turned short round, and flew by the nearest path to Verner's Pride. The evil had come.

And to think he says. "'Sit down, William, sit down, says I. 'I don't know what to do for appleplexy. "'Well, I'll sit down to oblige you, Zeke; but to think of them flappy-footed yawps puttin' away good liquor by the pailful pailful? yells William scornful. 'Barrelful steam-enjine b'ilerful "'Well, says I hastily, 'you was sayin' you had an idee? "'Oh, yes! says he.

"What makes your cheeks so red?" asked Gypsy. "I guess it's scarlet fever, or maybe it's appleplexy, you know." "Oh!" Just then Winnie gave a little scream. "Look here Gyp.! The boat's goin'clock down. I don't want to go very much. I saw another toad down there." "I declare!" said Gypsy, "we're going to be swamped, as true as you live! It isn't strong enough to bear two, sit still, Winnie.