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They warn't put there for nothin'. I have a case in pint that runs on all fours with it, as brother Josiah the lawyer used to say, and if there was anythin' wantin' to prove that lawyers were not strait up and down in their dealings, that expression would show it. "I was to court wunst to Slickville, when he was addressin' of the jury.

"I know three's a crowd," he called out cheerily as he presently drew rein, "but I ain't a-goin' to stay; I jest Why, where's grandma?" he added, abruptly, seeing the old man alone. "I'm shore I heard " "You jest heerd me a-talkin' to myself, doctor or not to myself, exactly, neither that is to say, when you come up I was addressin' my remarks to this here pill." "Bill? I don't see no bill."

An' ef my questions seem too easy, why, I'll put 'em to the class." An', sir, with that he thess turns round, an' he says, says he, "Sonny Jones," says he, addressin' hisself, "what's the cause of total eclipses of the sun?" Thess that a-way he said it; an' then he turned around, an' he says, says he: "Is that a hard enough question?" "Very good," says teacher.

"Was that Dutchman addressin' of me?" demanded the half-drunken Irishman, trying to push by his friends. "It'd be a foiner river if it wasn't yaller," said a peacemaker, holding his comrade. In the slight scuffle which ensued one of the men unintentionally jostled the German. His pipe fell to the ground. He bent to recover it.

"I am not addressin' myself to the young an' immature. I am speakin' to those whose opinion an' experience commands respect." I saw Rod raise his head as though he were about to make a remark; then he dropped it again, and stood three-cornered, like a plough-horse. Rod can cover his mile in a shade under three minutes on an ordinary road to an ordinary buggy.

Not that I ain't more or less parlor broke by this time, or am apt to shy at a dinner coat, like a selfmade Tammany statesman when addressin' his fellow Peruvians. Nothing like that! Pick out the right comp'ny, and I can get through quite some swell feed without usin' the wrong fork more'n once or twice. I don't mind little fam'ly gatherin's at Pinckney's or the Purdy-Pells' now.

Moreover, he had said that there was a rumour that the place was to be sold, and nobody knew if the next owner would allow it to be "shown," even in his absence. Thus it was evident that if we wanted to see the Grange, it must be "now or never." "Reverend sir. I takes the liberty of rising and addressin' of you, with my respex to yourself and Mr.

"Samantha," sez he, "draw near and hear these interestin' remarks. I always love," sez he, "to have females hear about the works of nater. It has a tendency," sez he, "to keep her in her place." Sez the man as we drew near, a-goin' on with his remarks he wuz addressin' some big man but we hearn him say, sez he

"What bosh!" exclaimed Ben, snorting in his sleep. "Aire you addressin' yer remarks ter me?" asked Bud, looking over the back of the seat at Bud. But the only answer was a gentle snore. "What did he say?" asked Dick eagerly.

"I never said a word, an' they never moved their eyes away from me. I took off my fur cap, then my mittens, then my overcoat, an' laid 'em in the chair behind my desk. Then my undercoat come off, then my necktie an' collar, an' by that time the big girls begun to look nervous; they 'd been used to addressin', but not undressin', in the school room.