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"There won't be any more blessed concerts for a million years or so; there won't be any Royal Academy of Arts, and no nice little feeds at restaurants. If it's amusement you're after, I reckon the game is up. If you've got any drawing-room manners or a dislike to eating peas with a knife or dropping aitches, you'd better chuck 'em away. They ain't no further use." "You mean "

After all, her total loss of hearing made little difference, her sentiments being what Bobby Frog in his early days would have described in the words, "Wot's the hodds so long as you're 'appy?" But Bobby had now ceased to drop or misapply his aitches though he still had some trouble with his R's.

Why, in moments of excitement he had gestures that must have made her shudder all down her spine, and more than once I have known his aitches become fugitive, though, on the whole, I must say he was pretty careful. And Viola was letting herself in for him. In sheer innocence and recklessness she was letting herself in.

He scattered his aitches as a fountain its sprays in a strong wind. He was very earnest. Comrade Prebble was earnest, too. Perhaps even more so than Comrade Wotherspoon. He was handicapped to some extent, however, by not having a palate. This gave to his profoundest thoughts a certain weirdness, as if they had been uttered in an unknown tongue. The crowd was thickest round his platform.

Both infirmities are of national origin and extent, and both are individual or personal in their manifestation. That is, some Americans in every part of the Union talk through their noses; some Englishmen in every part of the kingdom drop their aitches.

It's all she can do to pick up her aitches. I shouldn't think of stopping in their house if " "If any one else would give you food and pocket money." "There's that, of course," said Godfrey. "But what I was thinking of is the daughter. There is a daughter and she ought to have a tidy little pile.

But if he isn't a gentleman, he isn't the other thing. He's something by himself. "I admit he's a genius, but he drops his aitches." "He doesn't drop half as many as he did. He only does it when he's flustered. And I won't let him be flustered. I shall be very kind to him." "Oh," groaned Kitty, "there's no possible doubt about that." "On the whole I think I'm rather glad he isn't a gentleman.

When I saw that he was the guest of certain hard-up members of the aristocracy, or of war profiteers, who, dropping their aitches, had bought ancestral homes, I merely smiled at the ignorance of those who were entertaining one of the greatest criminals in Europe. In the watch I kept each evening upon the house in Stretton Street my friend Harry Hambledon assisted me.

She's an understanding person. She won't think people common because of their aitches. Give her my love, won't you, Robert. And good night." "Oh, good night!" He added quickly, sullenly: "You look blue with cold. Why don't you wear a decent coat? It's idiotic!" "Because my coat isn't decent. I don't want her to see me shabby.

"There was Willy's schooner tied up next to me, and 'e got a slant and slid away, while my boat busts 'er sides open on the reef, The 'ole blooming atoll was 'eaped with the blooming cargo. Willy 'ad luck; I 'ad 'ell. It's all an 'azard." He had not found his aitches since he left Liverpool, thirty years earlier, nor dropped his silly expletives.