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But I aye like waur to meet Sandy by himsel' upo' that reekit deevil o' his. Man, it's awfu' whan Black Geordie turns the white o' 's ee, an' the white o' 's teeth upo' ye. It's a' the white 'at there is about 'im. 'Wasna yer brither i' the airmy, Shargar? 'Ow, 'deed ay. They tell me he was at Watterloo. He's a cornel, or something like that. 'Wha tellt ye a' that?

At my age my grandfaither was a sergeant i' the airmy, and married for the fourth time." "Only half his valour seems to run in the blood," said Count Victor. Then, more sternly, "What did you mean by locking me up there?" Mungo took up the kettle and placed it to the front of him, with some intuition that a shield must be extemporised against the sword that the Frenchman had menacing in his hand.

I aye keepit my he'rt up wi' the notion that him doon-bye the coat belangs to wad hae made a match o't, and saved us a' frae beggary. But there's an end o' that, sorry am I. And sorry may you be; ye auld runt, to hear't, for he's been the guid enough friend to me; and there wad never hae been the Red Sodger Tavern for us if it wasnae for his interest in a man that has aye kep' up the airmy."

In order not to confuse his faculties by endeavouring to read and write simultaneously, he turns his back upon the fluttering flag, and bends low over his field message-pad. Private Wamphray stands facing him, and solemnly spells out the message over his head. "Tae g-o-c I dinna ken what that means r-e-d, reid a-r-m-y, airmy h-a-z "

Private Tosh, on being confronted with his winter trousseau, observed bitterly "I jined the Airmy for tae be a sojer; but I doot they must have pit me doon as a mountain goat!" Still, though our variegated pelts cause us to resemble an unsuccessful compromise between Esau and an Eskimo, they keep our bodies warm. We wish we could say the same for our feet.

"I wunner ye jined the Airmy at all, M'Slattery," observed one bold spirit, when the orator paused for breath. "I wunner myself," said M'Slattery simply. "If I had kent all aboot this 'attention, and 'stan'-at-ease, and needin' tae luft your hand tae your bunnet whenever you saw yin o' they gentry-pups of officers goin' by, dagont if I'd hae done it, Germans or no!

She lost her husband, she was tellin' me, three years ago. She has twa sons in the Airmy. Her auld Auntie is up at the top o' the hoose lyin' badly, and no expectin' tae rise." And yet some people study Esperanto! We also make ourselves useful. "K " contains members of every craft. If the pig-sty door is broken, a carpenter is forthcoming to mend it.

An' in verra trowth, she was to mysel' like ane o' thae ill faured birds, I dinna min' upo' the name them, 'at hings ower an airmy; for wharever there was onybody nae weel, or onybody deid, there was Bawby Cat'nach. I hae hard o' creepin' things 'at veesits fowk 'at 's no weel an' Bawby was, an' is, ane sic like!

"Hoot! mon! ye ken but little of raising an airmy in Ireland, if ye mak' a drum o' a whiskey keg," said the drover, winking to the listeners. "Noo, in the north, they ca' a gathering of the folk, and follow the pipes as graciously as ye wad journey kirkward o' a Sabbath morn. I've seen a' the names o' a Heeland raj'ment on a sma' bit paper, that ye might cover wi' a leddy's hand.

"Haw, Johnny!" The Lance-Corporal, who has been indulging in a pleasant reverie upon a bank of bracken, wakes up and reads the proffered message. "Tae G O C, Reid Airmy, Hazlemere. Reconnoitring patrol reports hostile cavalry scouts country. Have thrown oot flank guns. Shall I advance or retire where I am? From O C Advance Guard." "This message doesna sound altogether sense," he observes mildly.