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Bonner says, how, the second season in London, Mr. Soppington was a-goin' to propose for her, and actially came one day, and sor her fling a book into the fire, and scold her mother so, that he went down softly by the back droring-room door, which he came in by; and next thing we heard of him was, he was married to Miss Rider.

Bugsby's had left as usual after the very first night, the poor little infant blistered all over with bites on its little dear face; how the Miss Learys was going on shameful with the two young men, actially in their setting-room, mum, where one of them offered Miss Laura Leary a cigar; how Mrs.

"Oh, certainly! jest as good a dinner as ye'll git anywhere. Don't charge ye for nothing more'n ye actially eat, neither. Have some?" "Well, yes," said the boy, "I guess so; I won't have no better chance to get any, 'fore I get home."

"P.S. Till Mountain told me, I had no more notion than the ded that Madam E. had actially stopt your allowances; besides making you pay for ever so much near upon 1000 pounds Mountain says for goods, etc., provided for the Virginian proparty. Then there was all the charges of me out of prison, which I. O. U. with all my hart.

Well, whin Tim Donovan heard that, an' actially seen that it was Bill himself that was in it, he had not strength enough to let a bawl out iv him, but he dhropt the candle out iv his hand, an' down wid himself on his back in the dark. Well, the wife let a screech you'd hear at the mill iv Killraghlin, an' 'Oh, says she, 'the spirit has him, body an' bones! says she. 'Oh, holy St.

Cribb still went cuttin' pounds and pounds of meat off the lodgers' jints, emptying their tea-caddies, actially reading their letters. Sally had been told so by Polly the Cribb's maid, who was kep, how that poor child was kep, hearing language perfectly hawful!"

I hain't got nothin', an' Mis' Annis hain't got nothin', an' we figured that we'd jest better git married an' settle down, an' make a good home fer us both, an' if that ain't good reasonin'," David concluded, "I don't know what is." "An' be they actially married?" asked Mrs. Bixbee, still incredulous of anything so preposterous. "So Dick says," was the reply.

Well, I looks at his legs, and sees he was dressed in what had been good moleskins, and high jack riding-boots, coming up to his knees; but sure enough they was as hard as a board, and actially, if you'll believe me, ma'am, there was a rim o' solid hice round the tops of his boots.

Purdee, sitting silently smoking, glanced up at the noise. Abner took advantage of the momentary notice to claim, too, the attention of his mother. "I wish ye'd make Eunice quit talkin' 'bout the Grinnells' old baby, like she war actially demented uglies' bald-headed, slab-sided, slobbery old baby I ever see nare tooth in its head! I do despise them Grinnells."

"''Bout the napkin I sp'iled, I says. 'Mebbe not actially sp'iled, I says, 'but it'll have to go into the wash 'fore it c'n be used agin. She kind o' smiled, an' says, 'Really, Mr. Harum, I don't know what you are talkin' about. "'Hain't nobody told ye? I says. 'Well, if they hain't they will, an' I may 's well make a clean breast on't.