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"I jess ez leeve go 's not," said Jabez Flint, the Tory, "only they wouldn' hev nothin tew say ter me ez wuz a Tory." "Ef I were ten year younger, I'd go in a minute," said Israel Goodrich, "but my jints is kinder stiff. Abner, thar, he'd orter go, by rights." "Why don' ye go, Abner? Ye ain't scairt o' speakin tew Squire, be ye!" said Peleg.

"Hoots, lassie!" cried oot Sally, "th' auld carline i' the kitchen is i' her box-bed, an' weel aneuch ye ken is lang syne cuddled doon." "Oo ay!" said Fanny, strikin' her curly pow, "then fetch me parritch, an' dinna be lang wi' them, for I've lickit a Pettybaw lad at the gowff, an' I could eat twa guid jints o' beef gin I had them!" "Losh girl," said I, "gie ower makin' sic a mickle din.

Hannibal saw that he need waste no more ammunition on Arden, so he pulled out the prescriptions, and said: "The doctor guv me dese, but, Lor bress you, my ole jints is stiff, and I'd be a week in gittin' down and back from de willage." "That's enough," interrupted Arden. "You shall have the medicines in half an hour;" and he kept his word. "He is quar," muttered Hannibal, looking after him.

"The maids don't think it respectable to dance at The Flower-de-Luce," he explained. "They don't like to let everybody see which be their fancy-men. Besides, the house sometimes shuts up just when their jints begin to get greased. So we come here and send out for liquor." "But when be any of you going home?" asked Tess with some anxiety. "Now a'most directly. This is all but the last jig."

"I'm stiff in th' jints, an' beside, you've scart me to death, eenamost." "Oh oh!" screamed Joel, in a frightful panic. "Dave get up, Dave!" But David lay like a little log of wood, as still as those on the old pung. "Polly," said Mrs. Pepper, "don't worry any more about the boys not coming home; just keep the potatoes hot in the oven."

Ole mars'r en ole miss kyant see en woan see, en dat lil chile w'at stan' up fer us in de 'stremity ob triberlation be lef wid no one ter do fer her. I berry ole en stiff in my jints en I cud die peaceful ef I know I free; but hit 'pears that de Lawd say ter me, 'Uncle Lusthah, stay right yere en look arter dat lil sick lam'. Den I mek you free w'en de right time come."

Nothin' wrong with 'em either only broken rubbers that put their jints out o' whack and set their heads arollin' this way and that. 'They could be fixed in no time, I ses to myself, 'and what a prize they'd be fer the kids to be sure! For mom and me had racked our brains considerable how we'd scrape together the money for Christmas things for the girls.

As he talked he drew out another shining length and added it to the first, and then another and a last, fine as a wheat straw. "These last jints I'm adding," he explained to Mary, "are so that if I have me cane whin I'm riding I can stritch it out and touch up me horses with it.

Thus equipped she appeared before Mara at the usual hour with her grandchild, and began complacently: "Now, honey lam', you'se gwine to hab two strings to you'se bow. I sometimes feel ole an' stiff in my jints an' my heft is kinder agin me in trompin'. Here's my granddaughter, an' she's spry as a cricket.

'I shall ask father for some of that famous liniment of his, Binks, said Theo. 'I could send you over some in a little bottle; the boys shall bring it this evening. 'If you ask me candid, I should say that glue would be the best liniment to patch them jints! Binks was stolidly contemplating the loose condition of Miss Muffet's limbs. 'We're at cross purposes! laughed Theo.