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"Ef ye don' go to work, Meshech, Squire Woodbridge 'll hev ye in the stocks fer gittin drunk. Deakin kin git ye put in any time he wants ter complain on ye. Ye better not rile him." But at this Meshech, instead of being impressed, burst into a loud haw haw. "Yes'dy mornin ye could a scart me outer a week's growth a talkin baout Squire, but, gol, ye'll have ter try suthen else naow.

Nicholas's clerks." "Alas!" said she, "I do not understand what you mean." "I mean, if ye fall among thieves, my precious, that is a Scripture phrase, if ye will hae ane the bauldest of them will ken a scart o' my guse feather. And now awa wi' ye and stick to Argyle; if onybody can do the job, it maun be him."

Whenever I addressed a remark to her, she turned it with a laugh and her next speech was pretty certain to be addressed to the lightkeeper or his wife. As for our adventure in the launch, that she treated as a joke. "Wan't you awful scared when that squall struck so sudden?" inquired Mrs. Atwood. "Dreadfully." "Humph!" this from Joshua; "I cal'late Mr. Paine was some scart too.

They remained out on the road, looking up and down, for five minutes, and then returned to the house. "Did he steal anything?" asked Shep. "By gum! I didn't think o' that!" gasped Aaron Masterson. He took a thorough look around and then came in and gave a sigh of satisfaction. "Nothin' missing, so far as I can see," he said. "Reckon he was too scart to pick up anything.

I allers said that circuses and shows was a burnin' shame, and now I know it; I'll make the owner of that elephant pay ten thousand dollars for the damage he done us, for he scart you and me so bad Betsy, that we'll never grow another inch." Meanwhile, the runaway kept things moving.

"But she looked so ugly that I shut up prompt, though I done a heap of thinkin'. On we went and, as we turned the next 'buoy, there, ahead of us, was another auto, somethin' like ours, with only one person in it, a man, and goin' in the same direction we was, though not quite so fast. "Then I WAS scart. 'Hi, Jonadab! I sings out. 'Heave to! Come about! Shorten sail! Do you want to run him down?

No welcoming light in the dining-room windows, no open door, no shrill voice demanding to know where the wandering brother had been "all this everlastin' time." Even the hens had gone to roost. Abishai groaned. "Oh, dear!" he wailed. "I'm scart to death. Where is she? You don't cal'late she's done it, do ye?" "Done it? Done what?" "Done the suicidin'. She said she would if O Laviny!" "Hush!

"Tew bad tew scare th' Leetle Woman," Ham said regretfully; "but 'twould be a heap worse tew have Quinley an' Ugger git that thar gold. I got scart of them jest as soon as th' Leetle Woman showed up th' big nugget; for they must be a-lurkin' 'round here somewhere, keepin' an eye on us; an', if they heer'd of Dickson's gold, they shore would try an' git it.

Mumpson's mind that this train of thought was complete by the time she had ensconced herself in the rocking chair by the fireless kitchen stove. Once more Jane seized her hand and dragged her up. "You must help," said the child. "I 'spect him every minnit and I'm scart half to death to think what he'll do, 'specially if he finds out we've been rummagin'." "Jane," said Mrs.

Gosh you bet i was scart. i hadent thought of dying. i began to howl and holler for mother. she came running in and i told her i was going to die and i told her about breaking the gaslite and a lot of other things and she told me the docter said i was getting better and i wood sit up tomorrow. well i better then and wished i hadent told mother about the gaslite becaus i knew she wood make me tell father. well mother set by my bed all the afternoon and read me some out of Billy Bolegs, jest think of her doing that, so when supper time came i et a lettle tost and had some current jelly. when father come home mother told him about the gaslite and all he said was i wood have to pay for it out of my cornet money. i thought he wood keep me in for a month. i gess mother must have talked to him.