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And toast, Billy. What about toast?" "Toast? Toast, eh? Well, all right, Doc. Toast it is. Trust yours truly. You keep her out a-viewin' the scenery for half an hour." "And Billy, a big pitcher of hot water. They can't live without hot water in the morning, those Old Country people." "Sure thing, Doc. A tub if you like." "No, a pitcher will do."

""Well," I says, lounging over on one foot reflective like, "nobody could be a-viewin' the sea with that lovin', ownership look unless he'd bossed her a bit.... If I'm right, Admiral, you takes the chair." "'He laughed, but he got in. "I'm not an admiral," he said, "but it is true that I've followed the sea." "The hobo paused, and put up his first and second fingers spread like a V.

I never shall furgit how them men all looked a-viewin' the traveler's body what I fund dead in the road; they looked like jes' so many solemn, peekin', heejus black buzzards crowdin' aroun' the corpse; then a-noddin' an' a-whisperin' tergether, an' a-findin' of a verdic' ez they called it. They fund nuthin' at all. 'T war me ez done the findin'. I fund the man dead in the road.

"Well," I says, lounging over on one foot reflective like, "nobody could be a-viewin' the sea with that lovin', ownership look unless he'd bossed her a bit.... If I'm right, Admiral, you takes the chair." "'He laughed, but he got in. "I'm not an admiral," he said, "but it is true that I've followed the sea." "The hobo paused, and put up his first and second fingers spread like a V.

"HE air so peart an' forehanded a-viewin' harnts, he don't hev to wait till folkses be dead. HE hev seen Mis' Price's harnt an' it plumb skeered the wits out'n him." Perkins did not understand this. His interest was suddenly alert. He took his pipe from his mouth, and glanced over his shoulder at Byers. "What air Rufe aimin' at, Andy?" he asked, surprised. Byers did not reply.

"An' he lef' me a shootin'-iron, in case of a fox, or a wolf, or suthin' kem along. 'Bout sunset the neighbors kem. An' till then I sot thar keepin' watch, an' a-viewin' the witch-face 'crost the Cove, plumb till the sun went down." She bowed her head again on her arm, and a momentary silence ensued.

"What the deuce ?" said the doctor impatiently. "Oh, yes all right! Only look lively." "Keep her a-viewin' the scenery, Doc, a bit," continued Billy under his breath. "Oh, get a move on, Billy! What are you monkeying about?" said the doctor quite crossly. He was anxious to escape from a position that had become intolerable to him.