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There 's one thing: when he does come home he 's got something to say, and he 's always as lively as a cricket, and smiling as a basket of chips. I like a man that 's good comp'ny, even if he ain't so forehanded. There ain't anything specially lovable about forehandedness, when you come to that. I shouldn't ever feel drawed to a man because he was on time with his work.

'Leven-year-old daughter's tryin' to carry him and four other childern on to her back, so to speak." "I'll go at once, Mr. Baines." Scattergood fidgeted. "Calculate Xenophon wasn't forehanded. Six mouths to feed. More mealtimes than meals," he said, and fumbled in his pocket. He was visibly embarrassed. "Here's ten dollars that was give me to be used for sich a purpose.

As far as the eye could reach long rows of shriveled husks, from which the season's crop of yellow ears had been torn, flapped dejectedly against their dried and broken stalks. Here and there a square of rich, black loam, freshly turned, bespoke the forehanded farmer; while in the fields of his neighbors straggling groups of cattle and hogs gleaned half-heartedly in the standing roughage.

"Of course, darling, mamma understands," said that lady, promptly, with her unconquerable beam. And a few moments later she added: "Cally, I was just thinking no harm in being forehanded, as I always say!... Considering all the circumstances, what would you say to a small, dignified home-wedding, with two or four bridesmaids, and a large breakfast to the most intimate friends?"

We hoped it was not too far out of the running of night prowlers to have put a speedy end to the long agony, but we could not be sure. I never liked the spit of Windy Lake again. It seems that all snow nourished plants count nothing so excellent in their kind as to be forehanded with their bloom, working secretly to that end under the high piled winters.

We hoped it was not too far out of the running of night prowlers to have put a speedy end to the long agony, but we could not be sure. I never liked the spit of Windy Lake again. It seems that all snow nourished plants count nothing so excellent in their kind as to be forehanded with their bloom, working secretly to that end under the high piled winters.

It ain't in the nature of things for the water furtherest away from the air to freeze first. 'But me own eyes-' 'Don't git het up over it, admonished Bettles, as the quick Celtic anger began to mount. 'Then yer not after belavin' me? 'Sence you're so blamed forehanded about it, no; I'd b'lieve nature first, and facts. 'Is it the lie ye'd be givin' me? threatened Lon.

Pettis, seating herself laboriously on the lounge, and leaning forward upon the umbrella clutched steadily in two fat hands. "You're dretful forehanded. I remember I said so then. 'Samwel 'ain't got a mittin, to his name, I says, 'nor he won't have 'fore November." "Well, I guess David's pretty well on't for everything now," answered Mrs. Lamson, with some pride.

"Well, Uncle Cyrus, I'll do what I can for you. Now let us forget all about your troubles and talk over the village news. You know I've been away for four years, and I haven't had any stiddy correspondence, so a good deal must have happened that I don't know anything about. I hear Frank Dobson has prospered?" "Yes, Frank's pretty forehanded.

"You do look a mite flustered," Harney criticised, dropping his loose-jointed frame all over the pillows of the lounging couch. "How's the famine?" Corliss asked. "Any public relief started yet?" "Won't need any public relief. Miss Frona's old man was too forehanded fer 'em. Scairt the daylights out of the critters, I do b'lieve.