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Birt rose at last to his feet and looked with a pallid face over the underbrush. "Now, ain't ye lackin' fur head-stuffin'," he faltered, "a-steppin' along a deer-path ez nat'ral ez ef ye war a big fat buck? I kem mighty nigh shootin' ye." The old gentleman recovered his equilibrium, mental and physical, with marvelous rapidity.

I tell ye what 'tis, Moses, fellers think it a mighty pretty thing to be a-steppin' high, and a-sayin' they don't believe the Bible, and all that ar, so long as the world goes well.

But mebby they'll settle down and be more megum when the pendulum gits kinder settled down some, and its vibration ceases to be so vibratin'. Anyway, I'm glad to see 'em a-steppin' out of their weeds, and I told 'em so. Sez I, "You wuz in mournin' a awful while, wuzn't you?" Oren fairly gritted his teeth, and before Lateza Alzina could speak, he busted out "By Vum! I've mourned all I'm a-goin' to!

B' Gosh! at one hundred an' fifty dollars, to that young gent over there that looks like he could ride him. What's the name?" "Pete Annersley." Several in the crowd turned and gazed curiously at Pete. But Pete's eyes were upon Blue Smoke his horse the horse that had carried him faithfully so many desert miles a cow-pony that could "follow a mountain trail all day and finish, a-steppin' high."

Sandy was on the forrard sweep, but obsarvin' thet, ez the currents was a-settin', he warn't no use forrard, I called him aft to help me. Ez I turned my head a leetle mite to holler to him I ketched a squint o' that yaller chap a-steppin' in behind a tree on the bluff.

A heavy black cloud overhung the woods; an expectant stillness brooded upon the sultry world; an angry storm was in the air. The first vivid flash and simultaneous peal burst from the sky as he reached the passage between the two rooms. "Ye air powerful perlite ter come a-steppin' home jes' at supper- time," said his mother advancing to meet him.

But he heerd the little cryin' ag'in, and he run along on to find the child. But he couldn't find it; every time he'd think he was close to it, he'd hear the cryin' a little further off. And he'd go on and on, a-stumblin' over stones and fallin' over logs and a-steppin' into holes, but stickin' to it, and forgettin' everything only that little cryin' voice ahead of him.

I wished I could ha' seen him to 've asked him if he didn't b'leeve in luck now! Me 'n' him was talkin' about luck that very mornin' while she was a-steppin' down the landin' towards him's fast 's ever she could go! My eyes! how that woman did come a runnin', an' a-callin', 'Guide! guide! I sha'n't never forgit it.