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They come the first day it wuz opened in the mornin', and laid out to go home the last day of the Fair along in the night, so Oren said. They all looked real happy, but some fagged out from seein' so much. I'm dretful afraid that the pendulum, havin' swung too fur on one side, is a-goin' too fur on the other; it is nater.

Physics, as then understood, was studied in a text-book, but there was illustration by simple apparatus, which fastened firmly in my mind the main facts and principles. The best impulse by this means came from the principal of the academy, Mr. Oren Root, one of the pioneers of American science, whose modesty alone stood in the way of his fame.

But anyway, they bid me a glad adoo, and the proud and gay Oren led his brood off. And to resoom. The English Vestibule is decorated with panels painted by the wimmen of that country. There wuz one by Mrs. Swimerton, of London, that appealed strong to my heart; it was a seen from the temporary hospital at Scutori.

"I wouldn't like to take all that trouble for nothing." "You won't. Here is a quarter in advance, and I will give you the fifty cents besides if you find out what I wish." "Good for you! You're a gentleman!" said Oren, with an expression of satisfaction on his honest country face. Two hours later Walter and the cattle dealer returned from a walk they had taken together.

Dick Ranney took out a note-book and put the name down, greatly to the boy's satisfaction. "By the way," went on Ranney, "do you want to earn half a dollar?" "Yes," answered Oren, with alacrity. "Perhaps I can put you in the way of doing so. Do you know the hotel people?" "Yes, sir. I worked there for a short time." "All the better. Then you know about the house, the location of rooms, etc.?"

Such people as Temple Boyle and Vincent Beers, who had been his instructors in the past and who had heard of him in Chicago at the time of his success, Luke Severas, William McConnell, Oren Benedict, Hudson Dula, and others wondered what had become of him. Why did he not paint any more? He was never seen in the New York haunts of art!

I am sure I am very much obliged to you both. By the way, Mr. Sherwood, there was a boy here a little while since who was anxious to find out what room you occupied, also what room was Professor Robinson's." "A boy?" repeated Walter, puzzled. "Yes, a village boy Oren Trott." "I don't know any such boy." "He is a good, industrious lad."

And Oren bought a three-seated carriage, and they jest scoured the hull country went to all the parties they could hear on, and the fairs, and camp-meetin's, and such. They wuz on the go the hull time; and Lateza Alzina got to likin' it as much as Oren did.

So while the zeal of the convert wuz on her, and she didn't feel like disputin', the girls made her some red dresses, and some yeller ones, and had some white streamers put onto a white bunnet she had. And they bought themselves the most gorgeous and gay clothin' Jonesville and Loontown afforded. Oren is well off, and he wouldn't stent 'em in such a cause as this no, indeed!

"I guess you don't have to do it now," answered the boy, glancing at the neat and expensive attire of his new acquaintance. "Well, no; I can do better." "Are you in business?" "Yes," answered Ranney, vaguely. "I am traveling for a house in New York." "I should like that." "Give me your name. I may be able to give you a place some day." "My name is Oren Trott."