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"Poor Uncle Sam! poor, well-meanin', but oft misguided old creeter! It would be easier for him, if he only knew it, to do what Mr. Stanford wanted him to. "Besides, think of the masses of fosterin' crime he would be a-pressin' back and a-turnin' into good, pure influences to bless the world! And besides, the oncounted gain to Heaven and earth!

Jabez had slid deep into his chair, an' now he had a fierce scowl on his face. "That was MY toe you was a-pressin'," he sez, lookin' Piker between the eyes. "I beg your pardon," sez Piker, laughin' easy; "I thought it was Silv I mean Whittington's. I wanted him to keep still until after this hand was out.

"All right," said Jameson promptly, "suit yourself we ain't a-pressin' no man into this." "Why, now, I'm fer it, boys that is, I'm believin' it's got t' be done, only I counsels time." "No time," cried Hill, "we ben counselin' time an' quiet an' not doin' anything to stir 'em up, an' what d' we get?

And right here, while the past wuz a-pressin' so clost to us, that we wuz almost took back there in the body our minds wuz there, way, way back When sudden, swift, wuz we brung back from the past brung back to conscientousness, as it were, by two forms and two voices.

Then mebby my mind will jest jump to the "Age of Iron" or to the "Secrets of the Tomb," or "The Eagle and the Vulture," or "Washington and Lafayette," or "Charity" a good-lookin' creeter she wuz she could think of other children besides her own; or mebby it will jump right over onto the "Indian Buffalo Hunt" a horse a-rarin' right up to git rid of a buffalo that wuz a-pressin' right in under its forelegs.

"Lor love yer! that's the wery reason we're a-pressin' of your worship," replied the grinning minions of the service. "We've such a set of black-guards aboard the tender yonder, we wants a toff like you to learn 'em manners." The quixotic idea of inculcating manners by means of the press infected others besides the gangsman.

Parson Jones descanted upon the doctrine he had mentioned, as illustrated in the perplexities of cotton-growing, and concluded that there would always be "a special proviDENCE again' cotton untell folks quits a-pressin' of it and haulin' of it on Sundays!" "Je dis," said St.-Ange, in response, "I thing you is juz right. I believe, me, strong-strong in the improvidence, yes.

Parson Jones descanted upon the doctrine he had mentioned, as illustrated in the perplexities of cotton-growing, and concluded that there would always be "a special providence again' cotton untell folks quits a-pressin' of it and haulin' of it on Sundays!" "Je dis," said St.-Ange, in response, "I thing you is juz right. I believe, me, strong-strong in the improvidence, yes.

Machines of all sorts and kinds to manufacture all sorts of goods, and all hands to work at it silk, cotton, wool, linen, ingy-rubber, ropes, and paper. Saw-mills, wind-mills, printin'-presses a-pressin'. All sorts of tools to make all sorts of picters engravin's, color printin' picters from the 16th century up to 1893 they wuz relief engravin's.