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Neither of us saw the situation nakedly at first it was sicklied o'er with Quixotic foolishness. You see, you had the advantage of me. Your governor was a gentleman.

"I am tired," she said, "and I want to rest. But if you do not leave this room I must." He took up his hat. "Very well," he said. "You are unjust and quixotic, Anna, you have no right to treat any one as you are treating me. And yet I love you. When you send for me I shall come back. I do not believe that you will marry David Courtlaw. I do not think that you will dare to marry anybody else."

Ruskin set before himself a high, if somewhat quixotic, ideal of life, and with great earnestness did much, not only for the elevation of his fellow-men, but for the development of sound artistic taste and the enriching and spiritualizing of life by seeking to surround it at all times with the true and the beautiful, and with the old-time virtues of purity, manliness, and courage.

Furthermore, Alice took great pride in the almost quixotic sense of honor that had prompted the step; a pride which gave him a secret satisfaction, quite fatuous and childlike and entirely out of keeping with certain other characteristics, also secret. There was a gleam of humor in his eyes, as he said to himself that he hoped Alice would not ask him how he had spent his Sunday morning.

In this instance the lords followed the guidance of the commons, and a measure of almost quixotic liberalism was endorsed by them without hesitation.

A fashion has arisen of late of writing about soldiers of fortune as if they were noble, Quixotic persons. Those with whom the author has come in contact, however, have, without exception, been mercenary and cold-blooded men, to whom the name highway robber could be applied with far more justice than the higher sounding term.

Whatever your orders, Christy, don't allow yourself to be carried away by any Quixotic enthusiasm." "I don't think I have any more than half as much audacity as Captain Breaker said I had.

And I think Forbes would have won, had not Hopkins forced this unfortunate issue upon him. As it is, our young friend cannot avoid the consequences of his quixotic action." "He doesn't wish to avoid them," was the quiet reply. "We're going to win on that issue or not at all." "I'm afraid it's hopeless, sir." "May I count on your assistance?" "In every way." "Thank you, Mr.

His theories, deductions and suggestions as to the designs and identity of Roon and Paul; the stated results of personal and no doubt ludicrous experiments; sly and confidential jabs at the incompetent investigators, uttered behind the hand to Putnam Jones and, if possible, to the book-agent; a quixotic philanthropy in connection with the fortunes of Rushcroft and his players; all these would have to be put forward in the scheme to dispel suspicion at Green Fancy.

May not Gwen's pity for his calamity have had something to do with her feelings towards him, without any motive that the most stodgy prose could call Quixotic? When Gwen's task came to an end, she had to think of herself. The day had been more trying even than her worst anticipations of it.