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This is confirmed from the following articles adduced above: only with one wife there exists truly conjugial friendship, confidence, and potency, because there is a union of minds, n. 333, 334: in and from a union with one wife there exist celestial blessednesses, spiritual satisfactions, and thence natural delights, which from the beginning have been provided for those who are in love truly conjugial, n. 335.

Burke's History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. i. p. 329. See Letters and Petitions in the State Papers, No. iii. p. 1716. See Burke's Commoners, vol. i. p. 333. See Burke's Commoners, vol. i. p. 334. I am indebted to the present Mr. Craik, of Arbigland, for this correspondence.

In the first three editions of Boswell we find Tadnor for Tadmor. In Dodsley's Collection, iv. 229, the last couplet is as follows: 'Or Tadmor's marble wastes survey, Or in yon roofless cloister stray. Ann. Reg. xxii 79. See ante, under Dec. 17, 1775. In 1757 two battalions of Highlanders were raised and sent to North America. Gent. Mag. xxvii. 42, 333.

In the fall of 1862 he was elected a Representative from Illinois to the Thirty-Eighth Congress, and was re-elected in 1864 and 1866, on both occasions receiving the largest majorities given by any district in the United States. 61, 333, 339, 448, 519, 537. JOHN H. FARQUHAR was born in Frederick County, Maryland, December 20, 1818.

The ambuscade of the Ant-lion is classic; it does not differ greatly from the others. He excavates a conical pitfall, in which he conceals himself, and seizes the unfortunate ants and other insects whom ill-chance causes to roll into it. See e.g. Tennent, Ceylon, vol. i. p. 252. Also Réaumur, Mémoires pour d'histoire des Insectes, t. i. p. 14, and t. vi. p. 333. The baited ambush.

Now the cube of 48 is 110,592, and the square root of 110,592 is nearly 333, therefore the length of the month will be one-three hundred and thirty-third part of the duration of the month at present; in other words, the moon must revolve around the earth in a period of somewhat about two hours. It seems impossible that the day can ever have been as brief as this.

The engineer then took a flat stone which he had brought back from one of his previous excursions, a sort of slate, on which it was easy to trace figures with a sharp shell. He then proved the following proportions: 15:500::10:x 500 x 10 = 5000 From which it was proved that the granite cliff measured 333 feet in height.

The Lao-hsi-kai dispute, which involved a bare 333 acres of land in Tientsin, has now taken its place beside the Chengchiatun affair, and has become a leading case in that great dossier of griefs which many Chinese declare make up the corpus of Euro- Chinese relations. Here again the facts are absolutely simple and absolutely undisputed.

In Timbs' Curiosities of London, published in 1867, I find the following: At the Argyle Rooms, London, in 1829, Mons. Chabert, the Fire-King, exhibited his powers of resisting poisons, and withstanding extreme heat. He swallowed forty grains of phosphorus, sipped oil at 333 degrees with impunity, and rubbed a red-hot fire-shovel over his tongue, hair, and face, unharmed.

The varieties and diversities of these marriages, as to love and its attributes, are innumerable, n. 324. The state of a widow is more grievous that that of a widower n. 325. ON POLYGAMY, n. 332-352. Love truly conjugial can only exist with one wife, consequently neither can friendship, confidence, ability truly conjugial, and such a conjunction of minds that two may be one flesh, n. 333, 334.