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On the crowded wall, forming the background against which is seen the model's charming profile, is a picture which obviously is a copy of the painting of La Fuite en Egypte by Breughel.

L'un concerne les crocodiles, qu'il répresente comme si multipliés dans la partie inférieure du Nil, que dès l'instant un boeuf, un cheval, un âne, s'avançoient sur les bords du fleuve, ils étoient saisis par eux, entraînés sous les eaux, et dévorés; tandis qu'aujourd'hui, si l'on en croit le rapport unanime de nos voyageurs modernes, il n'existe plus de crocodiles que dans la haute Egypte; que c'est un prodige d'en voir descendre un jusqu'au Caire, et que du Caire

L'histoire de la science a beaucoup a profiter de cet exemple frappant. Je suis absolument de votre avis sur le role de l'Angleterre en Egypte; vous n'avez qu'a faire ce que nous avons fait a Tunis, ou les choses marchent a souhait. C'est l'interet de votre grand pays, en meme temps que l'interet de la civilisation et de l'humanite.

This work deservedly bears a high character for the accuracy and fulness of its natural history; especially its ornithology: antiquities, manners and customs, are by no means overlooked: there are two translations into English, the one published by Debrett, 1800, 4to. is the best; it was afterwards published in 3 vols. 8vo. Voyage dans la Haute et Basse Egypte. Par Denon.

Les Navigations, Pérégrinations, et Voyages, faits en Turquie. Par Nicholas Nicholai, Antwerp, fol. 1576. This also is instructive, relative to the manners, &c. of many parts of Europe, Africa, and Upper Asia: the plates are engraved on wood, after the designs of Titian. Relations des Voyages de M. de Breves, tant en Grèce, Terre Sainte. Egypte, qu'aux Royaumes de Tunis et Alger. Paris, 1628. 4to.

These travels, of the genuineness of which there can be no doubt, derive their chief interest, as depicting the character and feelings of the author, and the impressions made on his mind by what he saw and heard. Les Observations de plusieurs Singularités et Choses mémorables trouvées en Greece, en Asie, Inde, Arabie, Egypte, &c. Par Pierre Belon. Various editions from 1550 to 1585. 4to.

Madame Jehan d'Ivray, "En Égypte," Revue de Paris, September 15, 1920. Madame d'Ivray cites other picturesque incidents of a like character. These Annexes contain numerous depositions, often accompanied by photographs, alleging severities and atrocities by the British troops. Contained in the press statements previously mentioned.

This work of the middle ages, translated from an Arabic manuscript belonging to Cardinal Mazarin, is curious, but extremely rare. Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyage en Egypte. Par Wansleb. 1672-73. Paris, 1678. 12mo. Wansleb was a German, sent into Egypt and Ethiopia by the Duke of Saxe Gotha, to examine the religious rites and ceremonies of the Christians there.

There are men like Brahms who have been, nearly all their life, but reflections of the past. Berlioz never sought to be anything but himself. It was thus that he created that masterpiece, La Fuite en Égypte, which sprang from his keen sympathy with the people. He had one of the most untrammelled spirits that ever breathed. Liberty was for him a desperate necessity.

As to Saturne in Italie, to Iupiter in Candie, to Iuno in Samos, to Bacchus in India, and at Thebes: to Isis, and Osiris in Egypte: in old Troie to Vesta: aboute Tritona in Aphrique, to Pallas, in Germanie and Fraunce to Mercurie, vnder the name of Theuthe: to Minerua at Athenes and Himetto, to Apollo in Delphos, Rhodes, Chio, Patara, Troade and Tymbra.