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"No, No, Anda!" pointing to the door, Paul retired and soon after rejoined his companion at Ancon. Three days after this he received a message from his friends at Lima which caused him considerable alarm.

"I say," said the Assistant to the Manager, a week later, "do you recollect Germinal?" "Yes. 'Queer thing, I thought of it In the cage when that balk went by. Why?" "Oh, this business seems to be Germinal upside down. Janki was in my veranda all this morning, telling me that Kundoo had eloped with his wife Unda or Anda, I think her name was." "Hillo!

Is there any cold chicken you could grill?" "Chota murghi one egg lay, mem-sahib, anda poach. Sahib, chicken grill laike!" "Oh, all right! But I thought of a mutton-chop for the major sahib." "Sahib no laike!" "Very well, that will do a poached egg for me and grilled chicken for the sahib." "No, mem-sahib no 'nuf. Sahib plenty 'ungry chicken grill, peechy ramble-tamble egg!"

The man on the near side, with his knee against the mule for a purchase, as soon as the rope is hauled taut, cries out "Adios," and his assistant answers "Vaya!" Then the first says again, "Anda!" upon which the mule trots off to its companions, all of which feed around until the animals of the whole train are packed.

'God keep you, my master! said the chief herdsman, who was young, and buen mozo, and had as good a head as ever was set on two shoulders. 'Anda, hombre! said Don Pedro, 'I am a dead man; and so he told the herdsman all that the King had said. 'Oh, is that all? said the knowing mozo. 'I can get you out of the scrape.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué sabes ? BRUNO. Porque nunca se despierta antes de las nueve, y porque.... DON EDUARDO. Quizá valga más entonces que yo vuelva un poco más tarde. DOÑA MATILDE. No, no; ¿a qué prolongar nuestra agonía? Anda, Brunito, anda, si es que mi felicidad te interesa.

The phrase I had discovered, "Anda ne barcha," or "No boats go here," situated as it is in the Gulf of Carpentaria, had, in my mind, a very great significance, since it not only proves the Portuguese origin of the chart, but also the genuineness of the discovery made in that as it showed that the discoverers were fully aware of the shallowness of the water off this part of the coast of Australia.

Janki was in my veranda all this morning, telling me that Kundoo had eloped with his wife Unda or Anda, I think her name was. 'Hillo! And those were the cattle that you risked your life to clear out of Twenty-Two! 'No I was thinking of the Company's props, not the Company's men. 'Sounds better to say so now; but I don't believe you, old fellow.

When any person is in a critical dilemma, pressed on each side by unsurmountable difficulties, the Highlanders have a proverb, The e' eada anda theine bealtuin i.e., he is between the two Beltane fires. There are in several parts small round hills, which, it is like, owe their present names to such solemn uses.

If he start them, I can soon gallop back out of their reach. Here! Cibolo!" The dog, that had stopped a few paces in front, now came running back, and looked up in his master's face. The latter gave him a sign, uttering the simple word "Anda!" At the word the animal sprang off, and commenced quartering the ground for a couple of hundred yards in advance. Following him, the horseman moved forward.