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As early as the second year of the college, five societies came into existence: of these, the Beethoven Society and the Microscopical which started with a membership of six and an exhibition under three microscopes at its first meeting seem to have been open to any who cared to join; the other three the Zeta Alpha and Phi Sigma societies founded in November, 1876, and the Shakespeare in January, 1877 were mutually exclusive.

Ostrog is one of the three sanctuaries of Montenegro, the others being Moratcha, on the old Servian frontier, and Piperski Celia, above the fortress of Spuz, where the valley of the Zeta then entered into the Turkish dominions.

It is divided from north to south by the River Zeta, and the low-lying plains are fertile and rich, and this district also comprises the sea coast.

There remained only the mountainous coastal province of Zeta, which had been an independent principality ever since 1371. Just as inland Serbia had perished between the Turkish hammer and the Hungarian anvil, so maritime Serbia was crushed between Turkey and Venice, only its insignificance and inaccessibility giving it a longer lease of independent life.

Also, in 1889, Pickering found that at regular intervals of fifty-two days the lines in the spectrum of zeta of the Great Bear are duplicated, indicating a relative velocity, equal to one hundred miles a second, of two components revolving round each other, of which that apparently single star must be composed.

The magnitudes are three and eight, distance 9", p. 9°. An interesting multiple is zeta, two of whose stars at least we can see. The magnitudes are three, nine, ten, and ten, distances 13", p. 207°, 90", and 112". The chief attraction in Perseus is the changeful and wonderful beta, or Algol, the great typical star among the short-period variables.

The chief attraction of Hercules we have left for the last, the famous star cluster between eta and zeta, No. 4230, more commonly known as M 13.

The Delta Kappa Epsilon house was built in 1889; the old Governor Ashley property on Monroe Street was bought by Delta Upsilon in 1887; Zeta Psi bought the property on which the present house stands in 1890; while Phi Kappa Psi bought, in 1893, the picturesque Millen property on the triangle between Washtenaw and Hill streets they had occupied for ten years, one of Ann Arbor's landmarks which has only recently been removed to make way for a new chapter house.

The magnitudes are sixth and ninth, distance 5", p. 140°. On the other side of Arcturus we find zeta, a star that we should have had no great difficulty in separating thirty years ago, but which has now closed up beyond the reach even of our five-inch. The magnitudes are both fourth, and the distance less than a quarter of a second; position angle changing.

Accordingly he set out, taking with him a great quantity of building material, and chose a spot not far from Podgorica, on the right bank of the Zeta. But in the night the material disappeared, and S. Vasili hunted high and low. After a weary search it was found at Ostrog, and there he built his place of retreat, living many years, working many miracles, and dying as a saint.