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Ce dieu est appele en Sanscrit "Avalokites' vara" ou "le maitre qui contemple avec amour;" ce que les Tubetains ont rendu par "le tout-voyant aux mille mains et aux mille yeux:" Les Chinois on traduit le nom par "celui qui contemple les sous du inonde." Les regards du Bouddha suivaient ce rayon, et sa figure montra un sourire de joie inexprimable.

"La pluye nous a debuez et lavez, Et le soleil dessechez et noirciz; Pies, corbeaulx, nous ont les yeux cavez, Et arrachez la barbe et les sourcilz. Jamais, nul temps, nous ne sommes rassis; Puis ç

"Je suis triste comme toujours et toutes les fois que je n'entends pas votre voix que je ne regarde pas vos yeux." One of the billets relates to an incident that has become historic. Wagner had been obliged, because of his participation in the revolution, to flee from Dresden.

"Quand partirons-nous?" asked Francois, wading down the shingle, pack on back. "Aussitot que tout sera pret la-bas," answered the corporal, casting a glance over his shoulder. "Bah! ces gueux d'Anglais! Monsieur le General en a par dessus les yeux." Kit followed the man's eyes. A track of feet led from the lugger to the creek across the wet sand.

"Ma Tonkikí, ma Tonkikí, ma Tonkinoise, Yen a d'autr's qui m' font les doux yeux, Mais c'est ell' que j'aim' le mieux!" The new recruit joined them, awkwardly. "Wutzler was missing last night," said Heywood, lazily. He had finished breakfast, and lighted a short, fat, glossy pipe. "Just occurred to me. We must have a look in on him. Poor old Wutz, he's getting worse and worse.

It's a darling room, though that horrid creature, Captain Strong, did arrange it. Are you eprise of him? He says you are, but I know better; it is the beau cousin. Yes il a de beaux yeux. Je n'aime pas les blonds, ordinairement.

I have a mind to try lying on the beach to-morrow, looking interesting, to see what will descend upon me! 'A great yellow mongrel, said Ethel, 'as always befalls imitators in the path of the hero. 'What? You mean that it was all the work of Leonard's beaux yeux?

"Non, dit-elle, vos yeux ont fait ce coup fatal, Et c'est de leurs regards qu'est venu tout son mal." "If anything, I am a little plumper, but not too much." ", mon Dieu! ma surprise est, fis-je, sans seconde; Mes yeux ont-ils du mal pour en donner au monde?" He listened to the lines with pleasure.

I returned in time to work, and to receive a shoal of things from J.B. Among others, a letter from an Irish lady, who, for the beaux yeux, which I shall never look upon, desires I will forthwith send her all the Waverley Novels, which are published, with an order to furnish her with all others in course as they appear, which she assures me will be an era in her life.

* The most moderate, as well as the most violent, were always united on the subject of this irrational tyranny. "Toujours en menageant, comme la prunelle de ses yeux, le gouvernement revolutionnaire." "Careful always of the revolutionary government, as of the apple of their eye." Fragment pour servir a l'Hist. de la Convention, par J. J. Dussault.