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This turn gave the Living Skeleton great concern. "I wish yer wouldn't do it, Nickie," said Matty, from his pedestal next the cage of the Missing Link. "Et's awful tryin' to a pore bloke what ain't 'ad nothin' fer dinner but a dry biscuit t' 'ave 't sit 'ere, patient as an owl, while you're hoggin' into ther grub, an' pourin' fresh beer into yersell regardless iv expense."

'This is it, in your own hand, said Arthur, thinking he was wandering, but the other hand sought one of the ample folds, which was sewn over, and weighty. 'Tak' it; tak' tent of it; ye'll need the siller. Four hunder piastres of Tunis, not countin' zeechins, and other sma' coin. 'Shall I send them to any one at Eyemouth? Tam almost laughed. 'Na, na; keep them and use them yersell, sir.

But that ane should look at her in presence of her sister! He maun be mair of a monk than a man! Such was, in truth, Jean's own opinion when she flounced into her chamber at the Priory and turned upon her sister. 'Weel, Elleen, and I hope ye've had your will, and are a bit shamed, taking up his Grace so that none by yersell could get in a word wi' him.

"Ye munna gaw doon to t' sea be yersell," Mistress Anerley said to her daughter; "happen ye mought be one too many." But family cares and farm-house life had partly cured her of her education, and from troubles of distant speech she had returned to the ease of her native dialect. "And if I go not to the sea by myself," asked Mary, with natural logic, "why, who is there now to go with me?"