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I ain't done nothin'. She's so darned scared some other woman'll get my money that you see, a month or so ago I I well, she thought I done somethin', or was plannin' to do somethin' that Keziah Coffin never told you anything about me, did she?" "No, indeed. What could Mrs. Coffin tell me about you?" "All right. Nothin', nothin'. Only if she did, tain't so.

Lars Peter laughed: "Ay, that's all very well; but where's the money to come from?" "We've got a little. And then the old woman'll die soon I can feel it in my bones." Ditte's heart began to jump was Granny going to die? Her mother had said it so decidedly. She listened breathlessly to the conversation. "And what of that?" she heard her father say, "that won't alter matters."

"Now, Lindy, ain't you ready yet? Do hurry up." "Yes, I'se ready, but things wouldn't go right ef you didn't hurry me." "Well, put your chicken fixins an' cake right in yere. Captin, you'll ride wid me, an' de young lady an' my ole woman'll take de back seat. Uncle Dan'el, dere's room for you ef you'll go." "No, I thank you. It's time fer ole folks to go to bed. Good night!

There's no accoontin' for tastes; clap a bunnet on a tawtie-bogle, wi' a cock to the ae side that's kin' o' knowin', and ony woman'll jump at his neck, though ye micht pap peas through the place whaur his wame should be. The Frenchy's no' my taste onyway; and noo, there's Sim!

You'll muss her hair!" exclaimed the nervous little lady's maid of the morning, dancing about the object of her delightful toils and anxieties, and readjusting a rose, and pulling out the fold of a ruffle. "A purty job ye've made on't! The little woman'll never look so nice again," said Jim. "Perhaps I shall when I'm married again," said Miss Butterworth, looking up into Jim's eyes, and laughing.

He was a little surprised to see Holcroft drive toward the kitchen door with a woman by his side. "He's tried his luck with another of them town gals," he muttered, "but, Jerusalem! She won't stay a week, an' my old woman'll have the washin' an' mendin' all the same."

Life's one great big thing that don't take shape by reason of our acts. What's the civilisation we love to pat ourselves on the back for? I'll tell you. It's just a thing we've invented, like wireless telegraphy, or soap, or steam-heat; and it hands us a cloak to cover up the evil that man and woman'll never quit doing.

No longer could Jean resist such an appeal, so stepping forward, she took the bundle in her arms. Awkwardly she held it, uncertain what to do. Then Old Mammy came to her aid, and relieved her of her burden. "Why, chile, yo' doan know how to hol' a baby," she reproached. "Yo' hol' it upside-down. Yo' nebber had 'sperience wif babies. Dis o' woman'll show yo' how."

Under the spur of his strong voice, Marjorie's spirits had revived the least bit, and she spoke bravely to him. "Now, that's more peart-like. Wal, in the fust place I kin take ye home with me, an' my old woman'll keep ye fer the night, an' I guess that's what ye need most." "Where do you live?" "'Bout five miles out in the country." "How do you get there?"

'How do I know this foreign woman'll bear? he asked, expecting an answer. His hand was on the back of a chair, grasping and rocking it; his eyes bent stormily on the carpet; they were set blinking rapidly after a glance at me. Altogether his self-command was creditable to Janet's tuition. Now you'll be happy, I hope. I did not shine in my reply.