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He's one of them San Francisco sports out here trout-fishing in the branch. He's got adrift from his party, has lost his rod and fixins, and had to camp out last night in the Gin and Ginger Woods." "That's just it; it's allers suthin like that," screamed the old man, dashing his fist on his leg in a feeble, impotent passion, but without looking at Lance.

The implements which Cudjo had brought along with him or as he called them, the `fixins' were exceedingly simple in their character.

I guess the Major wouldn't loathe such a bite as this." "Aunt Polly for a supper of bear's meat, I say," added Colwell. "Aunt Polly for the fixins too," added Wilson. "Such fixins don't come afore every gang o' hungry hunters," added Flaxman. "Is't sage, or savory sprinkled on this meat?

Ethelyn would not wound Andy by telling him how little love had had to do with her unhappy marriage, and she remained silent for a moment, while Andy continued, "Be you disappointed here with us, I mean, and the fixins?" "Yes, Anderson, terribly disappointed. Nothing is as I supposed. Richard never told me what I was to expect," Ethelyn replied, without stopping to consider what she was saying.

"I called Aunt Sue, and told her to show ther lady whar ter dump her fixins, and der yo' believe it, thet dog Bolus, thet war generally mighty questionin' 'bout strangers, set down 'nd thumped ther floo' like he war tickled ter death.

Nott, who was superintending the work of two Chinamen, betrayed not only no surprise at the appearance of the young people, but not the remotest recognition of their own bewilderment at his occupation. "Kalkilatin'," he remarked casually to his daughter, "you'd rather look arter your fixins, Rosey; I've left 'em till the last. P'r'aps yer and Mr.

Slick called my attention to the carriages which were exhibited for sale, to their elegant shape and "beautiful fixins," as he termed it; but ridiculed, in no measured terms, their enormous weight. "It is no wonder," said he, "they have to get fresh hosses here every ten miles, and travellin' costs so much, when the carriage alone is enough to kill beasts.

"To that corpulent figgur," sez I, "in military fixins." "That, sair," sez he, with severity, "is a portrait of his Majusty the King of Denmark, lately disEased." "A portraickt of his cloze, you mean," sez I. "Is that sprorling pictur a work of art? With that I scowled at the Creteck, and left him looking considerable smawl pertaters.

But as he looked up into her big, kind face, so full of Christmas sunshine, he wondered he could ever have thought her anything but lovely. The room was small and bare, but wonderfully gay with pine and bits of red and green crepe paper, saved from the 'fixins' at the store.

"Is them hosses yourn?" he inquired, with a growl, as though the effort of asking a question was painful. Fred intimated that they belonged to us, and that he considered them, confidentially, fine animals. "I want to use this ere one, to-night; where's the saddle and fixins?" "Let him have the animal," whispered Smith, without raising his eyes; "it's better than having trouble with him."